Quando o shoegaze colide em alta velocidade com uma certa dose de psicodelia recheada de lisergia e tendências garageiras a coisa fica pesada. Assim é "De rerum natura" debute do duo italiano, Wake Up In The Cosmos.
A audição do disco é como experimentar o amargo sabor da psilocibina pela primeira vez, uma estranha sensação de descontrole vai levemente surgindo, e conforme as canções vão seguindo a viagem vai entrando em outras esferas, a diferença é que ao ingerir o psicotrópico a tendência é que a viagem dure por várias horas, já "De rerum natura" termina prematuramente, mas não tem problema, é só você colocar em looping que estará tudo certo.
Pegue o ticket na página do bandcamp dos caras e boa viagem.
***** Interview with Wake Up In The Cosmos *****
A. Wake up in the cosmos started back in 2016, originally it was a one man band project where Francesco played guitar, bass and the vocals using also drum machine beats. After publishing the debut album "De rerum natura" back in February 2017, he decide to bring a new life to his project adding a drummer, another guitar and a bass player. So Edoardo, Alessandro and Alo have took part with the band.
Q: Who are your influences?
A.The band report a great mix of difference influences but first of all shoegaze, psychedelic rock and garage rock. Every member bring his musical background into the rehearsal, that's because of the sound isn't easily amenable to other bands.
Q. Make a list of 5 albuns of all time…
A. Answering this question it isn't easy at all but we try to find a deal between us:
My bloody valentine - Loveless
Slint - Spiderland
Red temple spirit - A dancing to restore an eclipsed moon
Elio e le storie tese - Italyan, rum casusu cikti
Sonoio - Red
Q. How do you feel playing live?
A. Playing live is always a great feeling due to bring other people our music, we have always lot of fun doing it.
Q. How do you describe Wake Up In The Cosmos sounds?
A. Guitars plugged into distorted reverbs and vocals that reminds signals and sounds from other galaxies.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
A. "De rerum natura" was born and developed in Francesco's bedroom, using recording programs and plugging in his instruments to bring life to the songs. Now the next challenge will be recording the new stuff with all the band.
Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
A. Surely we recommend some italian bands we like a lot, like: Go!zilla, Cogs, White Pagoda, Borderline Lovers and Yellow Traffic Light.
Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
A. We actually done one that we love by Gunclub but we already thinking about doing a cover of a Fat white family song. A. First of all doing more concert in Italy hoping that we'll have the chance to bring our music also outside our country, than writing new stuff and as soon as possible recording it.
Q: What are your plans for the future?
A. We hope everybody who read this interview will listen also to our music and at last but not least thanks to you Renato for this pleasurable conversation, greetings from Wake up in the cosmos