O Powerslacker já é conhecido pra quem acompanha as páginas do TBTCI, apenas relembrando, o duo já havia aparecido por aqui por conta de seu primeiro trabalho, "Terminally Chill" onde já havíamos decretado que aos indies festivos era melhor esquecerem Mac DeMarco, e focarem nas pepitas sonoras do duo, mas agora o passo maior chegou.
"Amphibious Neato" é um suculento saquinho de docinhos psicodélicos, misturando o psicodelismo flower power e a neo psicodelia moderna, sem afetações ou exageros, apenas deixando fluir a good vibe da viagem.
Sinta a brisa e boa viagem.
***** Interview with Powerslacker *****
Q. What was the process for creating Amphibious Neato?
The album was quite a studio-heavy project- the songs were pretty much developed as we went with parts played in all over the place. For a cohesive listening experience, I ran the drum, bass, guitar, synth and vocal channels through a tape machine, which I feel really glued everything together, and provided a low-fidelty aesthetic. I was aiming to achieve the warped and haunting sounds of Vietnam-era psychedelic rock bands such as The Doors and Jefferson Airplane. Working off previous demos and some songs by my friend GB Loon, the production took place half in my bedroom and half in studio at my University in York.
Q. What are the main differences between Amphibious Neato and Terminally Chill?
I was happy with the songs on Terminally Chill as a compilation of demos but that’s all they were. In a sense Amphibious Neato is an elaboration on the same concept, with all the parts re-played and tracks remixed as I’d since honed my production and musician skills.
Q. What were the influences for creating the album?
Pixies, Nirvana, The Beatles, Beach Boys, Doors and Foxygen were probably the biggest influences on my song-writing and visions for the finished piece. Elements from each band inspired a combination of psychedelic, experimental and pop heard on my tracks. I was listening to The Lemon Twigs and Mac DeMarco at the time and enjoyed the way they used arrangement and production to have their records sound like they came from the 1970s.
Q.What are your plans for 2017?
For after the release of the record I have a lot of designs ready for new merch and music pressings, and am working on putting a band together for live shows. Currently I am working on a collaboration album with GB Loon, but it’s in the very early stages at the moment. We have dozens of songs ready, but recording is a relatively slow process as he lives in Canada.