sábado, 14 de outubro de 2017

Bask with Teevee - An Interview

Austin, Texas. Desnecessário dizer que a água de lá tem poções mágicas, tamanha a abundância de bandas acima da média que brotam por lá.

A mais nova preciosidade vinda de lá é o quarteto gazer bubblegum, Teeve. Dois EPs no currículo, o homônimo do ano passado e "Bask", lançado no fim de Agosto.

Conexões sonoras com Ringo Deathstarr são notadamente evidentes, e aí meu amigo, é basicamente redundante dizer que as matrizes, J&MC e MBV estão onipresentes.

Deliciosamente envolvente, apenas isso. Escute alto!

***** Interview with Teevee *****

Q. When did Teevee start? Tell us about the history...
Teevee was actually called Citrine when we first started in Austin, TX about three years ago. I was living in a gnarly garage and writing a lot of music at the time. Will, our drummer, would come over and I’d show him the songs I was working on. Pretty much every time we got together to jam someone would call the cops; we just thought it was funny and did it again the next day.
Nick our guitarist joined the group after our original guitarist moved to France and eventually the full band came together from there.

About two or three months into playing as citrine we received a cease and desist notice from a fairly new band with the same name. We were going to ignore it, but looking further into it we found out that the lead member of their band was Father John Misty’s sister and that this was serious. We were in no way prepared to deal with that kind of legal matter, I mean I was living in a F@#$ing garage! We decided it was best to change the name to avoid being broke for eternity. There was a long list of words I had been collecting over time as potential band names and right under Citrine was written Teevee.

Q: Who are your influences?
Alex - Jesus and mary chain
Will - Type-O-Negative
Nick - Stone Roses
Chris - Rolling Stones

Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…
Smashing Pumpkins - Siamese Dream
Typo-O-Negative - October Rust
Jesus and Mary chain - Dark Lands
Velvet Underground - Loaded
The Stooges - S/T

Q. How do you feel playing live?
Pretty great and sometimes pretty drunk

Q. How do you describe Teevee sounds?
Hard hitting feel good rhythm over Heavy guitars

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs?
The majority of our latest EP “Bask" and upcoming LP were recorded in a kitchen on a Tascam 388. We mostly just hung-out while everyone individually recorded their parts.

We’re still in the process of finishing our LP and I’ve been spending a lot of time in the bedroom closet tracking percussion and vocals. I'm actually in the closet as I type this.

Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
Routine Death
Angry Beige
Edward Phillips
Remote Control
Jo Kusy
Insecure Men

All good people all amazing bands

Q: Which band would you love to make a cover version of?
Depends on who you ask in the band, maybe something hilariously popular like Nirvana.

Q: What are your plans for the future?
Much traveling and recording

Q: Any parting words?
Yeah keep an eye out for our upcoming LP which should be out within the next few months!
