Sem muitos rodeios, eu fiquei fascinado desde a primeira audição da musica Your Love e Tokyo que consegui vasculhando pelo Soul Seek e pelas inumeras audições que fiz na pagina dos caras no Myspace, shoegazer, dream pop, psicodelia 60´s tudo em perfeita sincronia entre espaço e mundo real, essa estupenda banda vinda da Suecia é magistralmente obrigatoria, seu nome Youngteammusic, a estreia datada de 2006 atende pelo nome de Missnojesbandet, que além das preciosas Your Love e Tokyo, deve ser apreciado na integra sem intervalos para que não se perca um detalhe sequer, porque albuns como este não se fazem todos os dias.

Q.When did Youngteammusic starts, tell us about the beginning…
A - Youngteam started playing at the end of 2005 i think, back then it was only me and Peter and Jesper...and some friends helping out (like Anna Järvinen etc).
It all started cause i hade some songs that i wanted to record, song that i´ve had in my mind for a very long time, and asked Peter if he wanted to start a band with me.
We wanted to do more noisy stuff, more shoagazy music with a twist of psych...but we wanted to do it our own way, the way that we want music to sound like.
Theese songs made the first youngteam EP, "Missnöjesbandet". The title of the album came up as a joke by Isak from Speedmarket Avenue, cause we were all playing in different bands at that time, and he said we werent happy with that so we started a missnöjes band = dissatisfaction band....haha.
After we released that Ep (through Northern Star Records only) were started to play more like a band, writing new material, playing a lot together, doing shows, recording more stuff...Johan joined us on Guitar and later on Mattias on bass. Youngteam were completed and devoloped our own kinda thing, and we also skipped the -music, and changed name to just youngteam.
Q.Who are the influences from the band?
A- My Bloody Valentine, Ride, Brian Jonestown Massacre, Mogwai, Sonic Youth...and others.
Mostly 90´s Shoegaze bands and a lot of the 60´s psych i guess are the main influences. Also Stones, Led Zep, Early Status Quo, Cult Of Luna.
Q. Tell us about the process of recording Missnojesbandet?
A - Actually that EP were recorded by Peter and me at our rehearsal all by ourself. It was recorded during the summer in 2005 and we had nothing else to do but being in the rehearsal studio recording and drinking.
I had some songs, sometimes only an idea, and we just started to record it...didnt have a clue how its gonna end - we just let it happen.
Some friends came buy to help us on some songs, and that was it....pure fun. Nowdays its little more prepared.
Q. Tell us about the prescent Swedish scene from shoegazing bands…
A - There isnt really are scene for shoegazing in Sweden, very small one if so...wich is to bad!!!
There are some few minor clubs and bands, but its not easy to get shows for shoegaze band i think, not at the big clubs...too noisy and loud i guess, and for people who dont like it may sounds like noise with to low vocals.
There are some good bands here though, Radio Dept, The Early Days, Mixtapes and cellmates, Aerial, de la mancha.
Q. Which bands you love to made a cover version?
A - I often think of that, dunno...maybe good times bad times by led zeppelin???
The best cover i´ve ever heard someone do is Fleeting Joys Cover of Bob Dylans Masters Of War - BRILLIANT!!!!
Q. Which new bands you recommended?
A - Im really bad looking up new bands to be honest, and mostly listen to the stuff ive always been listening to. Bands that i do like nowdays and i think you should check out is, Fleeting Joys, The Early Days, December Sound, Soundpool, Asteroid #4, A place to bury strangers, de la mancha.
Q. What´s the plans for future?new records, a tour….
A- We are right now at the end of finishing our debut album, 12 songs i think it will be in the end. We have been working on that album in periods, started recording in about 2 years ago and then did nothing for about a year for some reason i dunno...
We have recorded it with the Producer Mattias Glavå in Gothenburg. I believe we have taken our music to the next level with this one, hard to descibe though but...a lot of melankoli, darkness, psychadelic, 12 string guitars, melotron..lot of downtuned guitars, and shoegaze influences....were very very happy with the results!! Hopefully it will be out soon. After that we will focus on play live as much as we can.
Q. Any order important thing to tell us…
A - We got in touch with Scott Causer from Northern Star Records right after we had recorded our first EP. We love many of the bands that have vorked with him, and what he was doing for the scene - so it was the only way to go to contact him. He is a true psych/gaze lover, and maybe one of the most dedicated persons to music ive ever met, and doing a nice job spreading good music.
Were very proud to be apart of that.
Fredrik Liljequist - youngteam
Precisa dizer mais alguma coisa?!?!?!?Simplesmente fenomenal Fredrik, you´re always welcome my friend!!!!!
A pedido do Fredrik abaixo um aperitivo da exuberancia do Youngteammusic...
Youngteammusic - Your Love - http://www.mediafire.com/?zywmify52ny