sábado, 24 de setembro de 2016

The Difference Between a House and a Home with Treehouses 2290 - An Interview

Prepare-se para adentrar em transes hipnóticos, repletos de imagens e alucinações áudio visuais, cortesia dos portugueses de Lisboa do Treehouses 2290 e suas intensas experimentações galgadas em matrizes como Spacemen 3, NEU!, Mogwai entre outros mestres da hipnose sonora.

"The Difference Between a House and a Home" é um exercício intenso de auto imersão para dentro de si guiado por texturas e ambiências cíclicas.

Treehouses 2290 é literalmente uma viagem ao submundo dos bons sons.

***** Interview with Treehouses 2290 *****

Q. When did Treehouses 2290 start? Tell us about the history...
1- The band started in late 2013, as our guitarist and multi-instrumentalist Pedro Simões had the urge to try something new music wise. After meeting the bass player Matheus Aragão, we quickly realized we shared common interests. After talking for a while, Diogo Beirão and João Medley join in to play guitar and drums respectively. Years later, with some EP´s released, André Isidro joined the band in second guitar and vocals.

Q: Who are your influences?
2- Our influences go mainly by the music each of us is listening at the moment. The songs are normally started by Pedro, and then the rest of the band adds parts in rehearsal. So each one of us has different influences and ideas where the songs should lead, but eventually it all makes more sense sometime after.

Q. Make a list of 5 albuns of all time…
3- Spacemen 3 - Perfect Prescription;
GY!BE - Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven;
Incubus – S.C.I.E.N.C.E;
Mogwai - Happy Songs for Happy People;
Radiohead – Kid A

Q. How do you feel playing live?
4- Our songs generally have a different feel when played live in comparison to their studio version. Maybe because of our punk rock background, we tend to play much louder, a bit faster and tend to turn the drive knob on our pedals way more than we should. We just try to have fun, and make everyone feel that as well.

The live show also has a kind of cathartic purpose when we just turn ourselves to the music and forget about everything else

Q. How do you describe Treehouses 2290 sounds?
5- Jokingly, we always say we play music to fall asleep to. It’s up to the people who see us whether they agree or not.

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
6- We spent a long time working on those 4 songs. Because of that the recording process was a bit quicker than usual, because we were so well prepared. We just went and recorded all live instruments in a few days in André’s house (who was also the engineer behind the recordings)

Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
7- We would recommend some great Portuguese bands/artists like Sensible Soccers, Bruno Pernadas, Basset Hounds, Mighty Sands, Fugly to name but a few. Internationally, we’ve been lately into stuff like Ninos Du Brasil, Big Ups, CW/A, Taco Hemmingway and Flyying Colours.

Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
8- I think we could say Velvet Underground as it is an extremely influential band and a direct influence in our sound as well.

Q: What are your plans for the future?
9 – We plan on recording an LP as soon as possible and playing live as much as we can. There is also a video clip in the making. 10- We want to thank all our fans and the people who have supported us in any way!

Q: Any parting words?
10- Thanks for taking the time to read this as well.