Klaus Von Barrel é a mente perturbada por detrás deste intenso e poderoso mix de darkwave, pos punk, electronoise, shoegazer e tudo que houver barulho e insanidade dentro da musica, o The KVB é assim, insanidade gratuita e durissima, algo desnorteando encharcado de beat tribais, vocais guturais, camadas e mais camadas de guitarras em forma de drones, ou riffs fantasmagóricos que servem perfeitamente para trilha sonora de filmes de Kenneth Anger, alias Anger é influência latente para Klaus. Com uma discografia extensa e complexa, dominada por cassetes, 7", 12" e um album extremamente perturbador intitulado The Black Sun, que para o TBTCI é um dos melhores do ano passado, o The KVB tem sua estréia aqui no TBTCI no melhor estilo, uma entrevista daquelas para não deixar duvida alguma sobre as intenções de Klaus e do que o KVB nos prepara daqui para frente além de influências e o mais importante poder mostrar o quão espetacular esta preciosidade densa e psicotica pode server de trilha sonora para o caos atual, amigos com vocês Klaus Von Barrel e seu assombroso The KVB.
***** Interview with The KVB *****

Q. When did KVB, tell us about the history...
A. I started the kvb in late 2009 by accident. I was already playing guitar in the band suicide party when i wrote and recorded a few ideas with a new synth i had just bought. I figured they didn't really fit in with what the band were doing, so i decided to start something new.
I had previously explored solo recording before then, with a project called ManOnTheMoon, which was more psychedelic & folky - so it was a kind of noisey/darker progression on from that.
Q: Who are your influences?
A. I have so many in all different forms of music, art, life etc. - but the obvious major influences on my music include the likes of; the jesus & mary chain, suicide, fad gadget, loop, bowie, joy division, scott walker, echo & the bunnymen, cabaret voltaire and Love. More recent musical influences have been bands like crystal stilts, aptbs, velvet condom.etc. Outside of music; friends, family and my girlfriend kat are big influences to me and what i do.
Q. Made a list of 5 albuns of all time…
A. Echo & the bunnymen - ocean rain, jesus & mary chain - psychocandy, Love - Forever Changes, velvet underground & nico, joy division - closer.
Q. How do you fell playing alive?
A. From most of my past experiences, Its great fun playing live (and being on tour too!). I am only just getting around to bringing the kvb to the stage as a band now, so it'll be great finally getting to play the kvb tracks to a live audience.

Q. How do you describe KVB sounds?
A. It often gets described as 'dark wave' (and 'shoegaze'), which i guess makes sense, but as its a solo project, i feel i have the freedom to explore a lot of different styles and ideas.
So some tracks may be loud and guitar based, others may be more minimal and synth based, some tracks use samples etc. It all depends on my mood, inspirations and the instruments i'm using at the time.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs?
A. I record and mix everything myself at home. Its normally a pretty quick process, it has to be, otherwise i'll end up analysing a track too much and trying something new. The songs are normally built around a drum machine beat and a bass or synth line. Then the rest gets added, whatever that may be.
Q. What´s represents the shoegazer classic era to the band?
A. Of course i love lots of the bands from the original classic shoegaze era, but i think the current wave of bands in this style are very exciting too, bands like screen vinyl image, stellarium, belong, ceremony and so many more are taking the original aesthetic to new places, via electronica, surf, punk and ambient styles.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
A. Pink Playground, Tropic of Cancer, Dirty Beaches, Woven Bones, Ela Orleans, The Vivids are all highly recommended!
Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?.
A. It'd be good to have a go at covering another current bands song, something a bit different to what im doing...
I have previously covered 'these boots are made for walking', so i might do something like that again too.

Q: What´s the plans for future....
A. Well, i've just released a limited tape on clan destine records called 'subjection/subordination' (http://clandestinerecords.bigcartel.com/product/the-kvb-subjection-subordination) and I have some live tour dates around europe planned for january. Then, there is a full length album called 'pray to the light machine', hopefully coming out at the end of february, which will be followed up by more live dates. Hopefully that cycle can continue, as long as people are into it.
Q: Any parting words?
A. Yeah, if you're into what im doing, please check my other projects Die Jungen (http://diejungen.bandcamp.com) and Suicide Party (www.facebook.com/suicideparty). Thanks!
Thanks Klaus!!!