Austin é bem conhecida pela psicodelia ácida que infestou a cidade e a cena psych ao redor do mundo, mas existe sempre o outro lado, o lado negro e soturno de Austin atende pelo nome de This Cold Night.
Camada sintetizadas de darkwave e pos punk ecoam na sonoridade do This Cold Night, que teve início agora em 2014 e já tem uma série de eps lançados todos tematicamente trevosos.
Sugiro que a iniciação seja pelo ep That Witch I Cannot Control, especiaria de primeira, vestígios de Sisters of Mercy, Joy Division, etc, etc, etc.
Indicado aos sedentos pela escuridão.
***** Interview with This Cold Night *****

Q. When did This Cold Night start, tell us about the history...
This Cold Night started at the beginning of 2014 as an attempt to learn computer production, recording techniques, and instrumentation. From 2010-2013, I experimented with recording to tape and performing noise and drone sets. I also used to do some very lo-fi piano / vocal recordings with the terrible microphone on an ancient cellphone. While the experimental music was interesting, it had absolutely no appeal to anyone—not even me—so I moved to a more traditional format.
After a month of writing and recording, I was on the verge of trashing seven or eight half-finished songs. One day, I just said “fuck it” and haphazardly finished the six songs that appear on my first self-titled EP. I just wanted to get something out there, I was surprised that anyone noticed my music as I did no self-promotion. From there, I kept writing—sourcing the material from my life.
Music is a great source of pain and pleasure in my pathetic existence. It occupies a majority of my thoughts. I don't know if I have the skill or understanding to be considered an artist or a musician, but I certainly have the emotional understanding to be considered a lover of music—which is where my music derives. Music makes me feel more than I would normally feel. It can be a good thing... or a bad thing. As such, TCN is an extremely intimate and personal project.
Q: Who are your influences?
My list of influences—musical and otherwise—is constantly evolving. When I entered this project, I was mainly inspired from Lebanon Hanover, Xiu Xiu, Dark Day, Joy Division, and even Erasure. Recently, however, I have been listening to a lot of piano, string machine, and other synth music that is more lyrically based. Right now I am listening to Moonface, Perfume Genius, Antony and the Johnsons, Patrick Wolf, Blackout Beach, and Nico.
Just about every day, I listen to Love Song For a Vampire by Annie Lennox for Bram Stroker's Dracula and Ave Maria sung by Alesseandro Moreschi, the last Sistrine castrato.
I would be amiss not to specifically mention Jamie Stewart of Xiu Xiu. His music shaped my teenage years and continues to affect me deeply. Xiu Xiu's newest album Angel Guts: Red Classroom is amazing.
Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…
Liberty and the Plastic Spoons – Screams to God
Lebanon Hanover – Why Not Just Be Solo
Xiu Xiu – Knife Play
Kate Bush – The Whole Story
Joy Division – Unknown Pleasures
Q. How do you feel playing live?
I don't play live often—not yet at least. I do not think I can put on a good enough show all by my lonesome and I have not yet found the right person to get involved with the project.
Q. How do you describe This Cold Night´s sound?
I generally label my music under the large umbrella of post-punk. Whether this is entirely accurate or not, I'm not sure. It's dark; it's cold. It can be pretty minimal. It's usually blunt.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs?
It's a mess. Hundreds of vocal takes and at least one emotional breakdown per song. My setup does not allow me much room to move. My guitar constantly bumps my keyboard. My computer's CPU is often at 100% and causes my DAW to lag or crash. I think I have destroyed my ears. Alcohol helps.
I usually start with a drum beat, add a bass line, and progress from there. My lyrics are usually written during the life of the song.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended
Ghost Noise ( WHITE CHRISTIAN MALE ( Frostbiter ( SAINT ( Joshua Noel Tanner (
Q: Which bands would you love to make a cover version of?
I would love to cover Det Var En God Gammel Bondemann, a Norwegian Folk Song.
Q: What´s the plan for the future....
The project is in limbo right now. I'm unsure if I should continue releasing music under this moniker or try to start a band and go in a similar direction. At the very least, I will release a couple of tracks, in the near future, that I have sitting on my hard drive.
Q: Any parting words?
I would like to thank those who have supported me. Thank you Renato for the interview