Anton Newcombe
Quando tomei conhecimento que estava em processo de filmagem um documentário sobre a cena psych da atualidade fique logicamente excitado ao extremo, o nome deste pérola chama-se TRIP e pode ser acompanhado pelo link aí no nome.
Fui atrás da pessoa que esta por trás dessa empreitada e dei de cara com Lilly Creightmore, fotografa, filmaker e presença quase que obrigatória dentro do interior do que esta fervilhando mundo afora.
Amiga de Anton Newcombe, dos Black Angels, do pessoal da cena psych da África do Sul, leia-se Very Wicked e outros, Lilly tem o aval mundial psych e certamente o que vem pela frente sera algo absurdamente delirante, tal qual o gosto amargo do ácido.
Previsto pra vir ao mundo em 2015, Trip só pelo release https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mYwwpvsV4A e pelos créditos tende a ser um dos melhores documentários de todos os tempos, acha muito?/ Então reuna Roky Eriksson, Black Angels, Dead Skeletons, Spacemen 3, BJM, etc, etc e etc.......
Palmas para Lilly e peace, love and psych....
E com exclusividade total, o TBTCI em primeiríssima mão adianta o que vem pela frente, quem viver verá....
***** Interview with Lilly Creightmore *****

Black Angels
Q. Hello Lilly, you are photographer and filmmaker. How began your fascination for photography and filming?
My grandmother bought me a pink plastic camera when I was five and I enjoyed taking pictures of my soft toy frog George, in her flowerbeds, I think I wanted to be a wildlife photographer. I bought my first SLR (which I still shoot with) when I was 14. I grew up watching a lot of cult British cinema, particularly 70's Mike Leigh and Nicolas Roeg with my Mum, we also bonded over a really dark comedy. I think all these influenced me a lot and lead me to a fascination with the visually surreal. I was working as a PA at a TV company, when I realised I wanted to get into documentary making, I was told they couldn't help me move up in the company, but was advised to go pick a subject and learn to shoot and edit myself. So thats what I did!
Q. You currently lives in London and Cape Town right? How is the psych scene of South Africa? I particularly like The Very Wicked, what other bands do you recommend?
When I first stayed in Cape Town six years ago, very few kids were into psychedelic music, it really took off in Cape Town in about 2010 when some friends of mine formed a Garage band called The Revelators, they later became The Future Primitives, who sadly stopped playing at the beginning of this year but Heino the bassist and Warren the drummer in that band are now The Gumbo Ya Ya's. Andre and Lucy from The Very Wicked, have another project called Medicine Boy, The Wild Eastern Arches are also no longer, but their stuff is great, Bilderberg Motel, Black Lung, Heroin, the list is endless! Things move pretty fast in Cape Town, I haven't been in town since March, there's probably been about ten new bands formed since then.
The boys that run Psych Night are doing a really great job at combining local and hopefully soon, other African musical and artistic talent along with getting smaller international acts to South Africa, it's been so great to watch their baby grow!
I have for the past year also been searching for more original Southern African music with a view to re-introduce it, cross the culture divide and bring it back to the new generation both in South Africa and internationally, break that boring mould of labelling African music as 'World Music' . There was some absolutely phenomenal musicians coming out of SA in the 60's and 70's, which of course the majority didn't get to hear because they were predominantly black South Africans singing about life under Apartheid and were either forced to leave the country or were silenced. Two LP's I love are Savage Sounds from South Africa and Zulu Stomp! There was also some great music coming out of Zambia in the 70's, Zam Rock n Roll.
Whenever i'm in South Africa I speak to taxi drivers and car guards about the music they listen to.
There are so many stories of struggle and adversity from people that have fled from suppression and war in Zimbabwe and Central Africa, to find some level of civilised living and whatever work they can, stories of incredible human strength and survival everywhere you look, this is why I love the country and why I believe Cape Town is one of the best places you can be in the World in terms of cultural diversity, creativity and inspiration.
Q. You have accompanied countless festivals of new psychedelic scene as the Austin Psych Festival, All TomorrowParties and others, how you got involved with this whole movement?
Partially through love of the music and partially by accident. It all started in 2005 for me, I was already into Ride, MBV, Spacemen 3, when I was introduced to The Brian Jonestown Massacre, The Morning After Girls, The People's Revolutionary Choir and Koolaid Electric Company.
In August 2007 a bunch of kooks from these bands played a festival called Dream Machine in a tiny English village, I think myself and a friend were the only people that bought a ticket, everyone else at the festival was playing.
I was pretty out of it all weekend, so didn't have a clue who anyone was, but we had a very magical time together.
From there it kind of snowballed, we became this loving dysfunctional family in the following months and years, we'd meet up at shows and festivals, get high and laugh a lot.
I went to San Francisco and Austin early in 2008. While in Austin I started taking pictures at shows, one night I ended up via mutual friends at The Black Angels house. Shortly after they came over to the UK to play All Tomorrow's Parties on their first headline tour of Europe, which was my first ATP and probably one of the best weekends I'd ever experienced! After three weeks of wild times with the BA's, young, dumb and in love, I quit my job, returned to the US, bought a video camera and hit the road with them and Roky Erickson!
Nonni Dead
Q. How did the idea of making a documentary about the psych scene? What is the focus of the documentary?
There wasn't much of a scene when I started shooting the film, at least not in the UK or Austin. We were just a group of Atlantic hopping friends, going with our hearts and doing what we enjoyed.
Instead of playing around with guitars and pedals, I messed around with cameras.
I spent three months in the US just filming what I experienced, the tour with The Black Angels and Roky, a festival in Joshua Tree, various LA shows and characters, Obama's election win..
In the six years since I began, the popularity of the music has grown beyond anything I imagined when I started, so the story kind of wrote itself!
Q. What ´s your favourite bandsof this new psych era?
I listen to lots of different kinds of music, Most recently i've been listening to a load of Chinese rock n roll, thanks to one of my nearest and dearest Ricky Maymi, who is very busy promoting and distributing all things Chinese music, check out his blog
In terms of innovation and raw drive in Western rock n roll I'd say Anton Newcombe is still at the forefront of it all, certainly in Europe, inspiring hundreds and producing records for some great bands such as The KVB, Les Big Byrd, Dirty Beaches with his label A Recordings.
Bands that get described as being Psych that I dig .. Tame Impala, The Growlers, Bill Baird, The Night Beats, Dead Skeletons, Tess Parks, Steve Gunn, GOAT, Bombino, The Shine Brothers, Cosmonauts, Allah La's..
Q.What are the 10 essential albums for understanding the psychedelic music of today?
I'm not qualified to answer that question for others, but for me personally the journey that led me to Neo Psychedelia went something like this..
The Beatles - White Album
George Harrison - All Things Must Pass
Velvet Underground and Nico
Kate Bush - Lionheart
Joy Division -Unknown Pleasures
The 13th Floor Elevators - Bull of the Woods
Spacemen 3 - Sound of Confusion
Ride - Nowhere
My Bloody Valentine -Loveless
Brian Jonestown Massacre -Methodrone
Q. We are all looking forward to the launch of the documentary, which forecast launch?
We're hoping to have it finished and ready to enter some film festivals next year..
Q. Do you know any Brazilian band or psychedelic or shoegazer scene?
Henrique Laurindo and Luciana Grave of The Tamborines.
I haven't been to South America at all yet, but I would love to!
Q. Hear these songs and tell me what you think:
They're good!
Q. Finally, what would you advise for the realization of a Brazilian Psych Festival happen?
Psych Fests are happening in cities all over the World now, so I'm sure it's only a matter of time. Just make sure you give yourself enough time to promote and organise it well, treat your artists and punters with care and everyone will have a good time!
Q. Any parting words..
I think the best thing any new band can do is not to consciously tap into a sound, style or genre but really listen to what resonates from within, look at the roots of their culture, history or the nature around them for inspiration..
Thanks Lilly