Pois é, ouvir o Parkwave é meio que se deparar com um resgate do pós punk enérgico de um Gang of Four a primeira fase do Cure e fazer a conexão direta com Franz Ferdinand e aquela imensa geração que deu um pontapé no resgate dessa sonoridade, só que o Parkwave é mais cru, fico nítido ouvindo o epzinho Blow in/out e o troço é grudento viu, vai por mim.
E os caras chegam no TBTCI mandando uma bela entrevista.
***** Interview with Parkwave *****

Q. When did Parkwave starts, tell us about the history...
A. [Ilario] We met each other at the university but decided to play together only a year ago because of our common interest in indie music. When the idea of build up Parkwave came to us we were in a park playing something in the sun enjoying springtime.
Q: Who are your influences?
A. [Raffo] Surely the indie panorama of '00, bands like Arctic Monkeys, Franz Ferdinand or Bloc Party. The indie/new wave sound of Interpol. But we are a melting pot of musical and cultural elements, so dub music (as you can hear in Metropolitan) or ska (in Blow in/out) meet the pop (listen to Backfire) or garage (Wave).
Q. Made a list of 5 albuns of all time…
A. [Mattia] God, very hard!
Abbey Road (The Beatles), Unknown Pleasure (Joy Division), OK Computer (Radiohead), Let it Bleed (Rolling Stones), London Calling (The Clash).
Q. How do you fell playing alive?
A. [Fernando] The live show is the most important aspect for us. You can make a wonderful album, a huge production with amazing sounds but if you don't have a live that is able to kick the asses you've got to come back to the rehearsals studio. The word 'wave' in the name of our band means the idea that we have about music, a wave that "strike" you again and again.
Q. How do you describe Parkwave sounds?
A. [Raffo] We have a massive rhythm section with me (bass) and Mattia (drum) who are the foundation of our sound. Ilario is the jolly: with his gears he's like an alchemist with laboratory experiment. Sooner or later he will come out with a supersonic guitar sound! Fernando is the second guitar and the voice, his melodic trajectories wrestle with his easy-going voice.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
A. [Mattia] We prefer the direct drive: all together in a room, we play and you press rec. It is more emotional, is like a punch in the stomach. We would like to record stuff that is the more possible near to our live performance.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
A. [Fernando] Personally, I really love Ought from Canada. "More Than Any Other Day" is an awesome album! Surely Alt-j is another beautiful band, while one of the italian best band for me at the moment are Be Forest.
Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?
A. [Ilario] We've already played "Transmission" by Joy Division, "A Ton Of Love" by Editors, sometimes "Stop Me If You Thing That You've Heard This One Before" by The Smiths. Maybe one of the cover that I will propose will be a song by David Bowie, "Heroes" or "Space Oddity"
Q: What´s the plans for future....
A. [Fernando] We we're gonna play in some italian Festivals, "Arezzo Wave Love Festival" on July, "Disorder Festival" on August and the "Festival of University Radios" on June. We would like to play a lot and go to England early enough.
Q: Any parting words?
A. [Raffo] Thank you for this interview, follow us. "Ciao" from Parkwave and "soon this wave will strike us again!"
Thanks guys