Ouvir o Loners, é como resgatar tesouros esquecidos como The Wave, For Against, Kitchens of Distinction e afins.
Um belo e sútil dreampop com pitadas suaves de shoegazer permeiam a audição deste projeto lindíssimo.
Fica a torcida por mais material, porque se faz mais do que necessário.
***** Interview with Loners *****
1. Loners came about from another solo project known as Deer Tendons, in fact there's still stuff on bandcamp including a raw demo of 'a place for you and me' there. Besides that, there's not much history to this solo work, it just magically happened I guess
Q: Who are your influences?
2. The Wake, For Against, Worries, Kitchens Of Distinction, The Smiths, Airiel and lots of others, most especially The Wake though.
Q. Make a list of 5 albuns of all time…
3. The Wake - Here Comes Everybody The Smiths - The Smiths Airiel - The Winks and Kisses EPs McCarthy - I am A Wallet Real Estate - Days
Q. How do you feel playing live?
4. I don't play live and probably never will due to the difficulty in actually playing my stuff live and being unable to find band members, as well as the fact I just want this to be a leisurely thing for me, rather than a job if you get me.
Q. How do you describe Loners sounds?
5. Dreamy easy-listening music
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
6. I usually just play one riff or something, endlessly repeat it, transpose it, chop it up and re-arrange on cubase. Then I'll add drum machines and electric bass to the songs and any keyboards and effects after that, and that's the finished product.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
7. Look on the YouTube channel 'TheLazyLazyMe', there's dozens of great artists I'd highly recommend to everyone on there.
Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
8. The Wake - Melancholy Man
Q: What´s the plans for future....
9. Hopefully going to university, which may eventually end this project due to studying, but otherwise I will just make more EPs and albums, though I'm thinking of moving away from Dreampop soon possibly for a more electric style
Q: Any parting words?
10. Thanks for interviewing me and glad you like my work