segunda-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2014

Black Planet with Candy Colors - An Interview

Cold wave, com roupagem atual é mais do que comum atualmente, mas poucos são os que realmente fogem do clichê e demonstram maturidade o suficiente para não se sufocarem pelos seus ídolos.

É bem o caso co Candy Colors, mexicanos densos que inconscientemente talvez caminham livremente pelos gélidos sons da cold wave, jogam Sisters of Mercy no caldeirão, lembram o Interpol quando estes eram bons, e criaram um grande album intitulado Casus Belli que veio ao mundo em agosto de ano passado e passou despercebido por todo mundo, mas o TBTCI pega e puxa a pérola do limbo e traz um pouco de luz a escuridão do Candy Colors. Escute Alive e perceba o que estou dizendo, não a toa o Candy Colors lembra um esquecido underground alemão lá dos longínquos 80´s.

Fiquem de olhos abertos para os próximos passos dos caras, simplesmente porque não é todo dia que um album como Casus Belli é concebido dessa forma.

***** Interview with Candy Colors *****

Q. When did Candy Colors starts, tell us about the history...
1.- Candy Colors started back in 2009, it was originally conformed by Juan Loredo (our singer), Hermann Stoever (our bassist, who originally played synthesizers), Daniel Caudillo (Guitar) and Hugo De León (our original drummer). The project started out more electronic-focused "party music" inspired all those little New Rave bands emerging throught the web. Later on I stepped on the scene as the other guitar player (my name is Diego Barrera) and from then we started experimenting with other sounds, dancy stuff without the need of synths, which kinda worked for us for a while untill we noticed that making dance music just for the fuck of it was not really our cup of tea, the flavor of emptiness in our music was getting old fast. We hung out with Oscar Preciado who was playing keyboards for another local band, we liked the guy so we decided to integrate him to the mix and with his aid and knowledge we were able to write deeper music, still simplistic, still "dancy", but with this new addition filling up the room with all these background notes and other twists that gave us another chance to start again. Hugo decided that the band was no longer in his interests and parted and we called our buddy Ivo Gonzalez who has filled the drummer's spot ever since, our sinister six sound.

Q: Who are your influences?
2.- Everyone of us is a completely different case. We share common influences, but as for making music we all come from different places. Some of us are into pop music, math rock, folk music, a bit of metal, a hint of punk rock and a shitload of synth-based stuff and, personally, the "dark side" of the eighties influences me a lot.

Q. Made a list of 5 albuns of all time…
3.- A list of the 5 best records of all time. Shit, can't really say that I'm a qualified judge to pick the best 5, but I can list my favorite ones, in no specific order: The Sisters Of Mercy - Floodland, The Smiths - The Queen is Dead, The xx - xx, Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavillion, WU LYF - Go Tell Fire To The Mountain... I mean, the list could go on, and I would eventually add more that I'd forget, but these are the first that pop to mind.

Q. How do you fell playing alive?
4.- Playing alive? Well, most of the times, if not all of them, we play alive, I think it's better then playing dead since you wouldn't be able to play shit. If you mean the song "Alive"... for me it's a thrill every time, it's a very personal song for me and I live it every single time that we play it live.

Q. How do you describe Candy Colors sounds?
5.- Happy/Sad would be the definition for this album (Casus Belli). We hope to explore other sides of music in future releases.

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
6.- Not everything about record the album is exciting. It's exhausting to some point. For this last album I remember leaving the studio at 4 AM with only 2 or 3 song ALMOST finished, I'm not saying that it's not fun, but we like to pay attention in details that pushes us back a lot compared to other indie acts. Another interesting thing about it is that the lyrics for most of the songs were not written until the day that they were recorded. I listened to the words as part of some of the songs until the record was completed. Now, building up a song is the most interesting and funnest thing to do.

Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
7.- Mexico has a lot to offer these days, even in our hometown. Bands like Ladymen, Hexagrams, Blackpony are some examples.

Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?
8.- We always talk about covering something and never do it for god knows what reasons. There's always some talk of covering something from Morrissey or The Smiths, The Cars... your typical new band covering a famous song from the 80's cliche-thing going on here too.

Q: What´s the plans for future....
9.- Keep on making sweet music as long as the dark lord allows us.

Q: Any parting words?
10.- Stay safe, stay in school and remember kids, we love you forever.