Aqui a psicodelia vem a porções grandiosas oras acrescidas de influências shoegazer oras eloquentemente fincada nas garagens do submundo do psych garage rock. Som poderoso e destruidor, o Koolaid vem lado a lado com a primeira linha da nova onda de psicodelimos bruto e caótico que tem criado seguidores em tudo que é lugar,
Seu album Random Noises and Organised Sounds do ano passado é um poderoso artefato lisérgico e alucinógeno que pode simplesmente acabar com os neurônios dos mais desavisados, mas os mais afetados mesmo são os iniciados ao mundo de amor, paranóia e viagens do Koolaid, simplesmente um deleite colorido e ao mesmo tempo em preto e branco, bad trips e good trips seguem lado a lado na música do Koolaid, é só escolher seu destino e boa viagem.
Sam Barret uma das mentes do Koolaid, concedeu esta pérola de entrevista ao TBTCI que ´seguidor desta religião há muito tempo, Srs. Koolaid Electric Company.
Sam Barret uma das mentes do Koolaid, concedeu esta pérola de entrevista ao TBTCI que ´seguidor desta religião há muito tempo, Srs. Koolaid Electric Company.
***** Interview with The Koolaid Electric Company *****
Q. When did Koolaid Electric Company starts, tell us about the history...
A. Koolaid began in 2004/2005, at that time we were just random groups of friends and acquaintances making noise. After a couple of weeks it became obvious out of all these people who would be into starting up the band and building foundations to what we wanted to be. The core members were Dean (Brown, Guitar) and I as everyone sorta fell away one by one. After a couple of years, Dave (Griffin, Bass) an original member returned to the fold. There have been so many comings and goings of members over the years, but what we have now seems good. We are comfortable with each other.
Q: Who are your influences?
A: Ah man, I have so many. It's extremely difficult to narrow down who or what influences you the most. I am in love with so much music. I love art in all forms, I probably know nothing about what specific pieces of art would mean but I do know what they would mean to me. But that's what art should be about really, all art. When you see or hear something for the first time, in a years time you're not going to remember what it meant or how it felt to the person creating it... you're going to remember what you felt and what it meant to you. Everything is personal. But, to actually answer your question, I have conciously drawn influence from music such as The Beatles, Radiohead, Elliott Smith, Nirvana, Spacemen 3, Ride, Motown, The Beach Boys and Dennis wilson... alot of the usual suspects which seem to fall into our umbrella of bands and music. I am heavily influenced by movies, people and moments too. Ryan van Kriedt (Asteroid #4, Dead Skeletons, Sunsplit) is a wonderful, great friend of mine who I draw inspiration from everyday... Aislinn van Kriedt (ex-Asteroid #4, Sunsplit) is another person of true beauty and full of inspiration, spirit and love.
Love is the great influence of all time, I think.

Q. Made a list of 5 albuns of all time…
A: Again, it's so difficult to narrow down 5 albums that can be considered for something like this... Impossible, really.
I'll try to give you 5 great albums... I'm not hugely into giving obscure and unknown bands and albums as I feel while you may give someone something new to find and listen to I'd rather relate with someone.
1. Dennis Wilson - Pacific Ocean Blue
2. Sunsplit - Sing For Sunday
3. Eels - Blinking Lights and Other Revelations
4. Sonic Youth - Goo
5. John Frusciante - Niandra Lades and Usually Just a T-Shirt
Q. How do you fell playing alive?
A: Playing live is a tough one for me. I realise it is an extremely important part of being in a band and wanting to be noticed. But my feeling is when, like us, you're a band who can't afford to fly around the world and play shows all the time, you are playing shows over and over again in the same places to the same people. I would much rather take time between shows and tours so that you aren't repeating yourself and bringing people to the same show they saw the last 2 or 3 times they came out and spent money on seeing you play. Aswell as that, on a personal point of view, I am shy and anxious and overwhelmingly awkward... which makes playing shows and touring difficult for me. But playing live... when it's good, it's good - you know...
Q. How do you describe KEC sounds?
A: I think I am the worst person to ask this question. We have been described many ways... I liked the "Opiated Psychedelia" description. It is, as the songwriter, accurate I think. We are loud... we are quiet... we are melodic... We are a band of misfits, really... which makes us sound the way we do.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs?
A: Usually, I'll record an 8-track demo. Playing all the parts and then play the song to everyone and go from there. Sometimes I'll come into it blind and just show the song to everyone and work with everyone until it's sounding right. So when it comes to recording we are usually quite confident and sure of what we are doing and what we are playing. So there isn't alot of time for pre-production required. Mostly we have
recorded live and then do necessary overdubs. I am really quite involved in the overall process along with the engineer/producer. I find it fascinating, really. I cannot wait to start recording the next album. The debut album was only released last year but they were all songs we had been playing for up to 4 or 5 years. Whereas this time around it feels fresh and more than half of the songs haven't been played live
Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
A: I don't know about new bands... but bands I'd recommend... who you'd probably already know:
The Tamborines, Asteroid #4, Dead Skeletons, Black Market Karma, Thee Piatcions, The Black Ryder, Sad Day For Puppets, The Tennis System, thelightshines, The Hall of Mirrors...

Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?
A: Ah man... There are so many songs I love and would probably destroy if we really were to cover them. I love playing and singing other peoples songs just to myself or whatever... but I don't think I could do it for real. It has happened in the past...We recorded 2 songs for the BJM covers project. I totally regret it now as when I think about them, I hear them in my head, I hang my head shamefully laughing.
You never know, time will tell.
Q: What´s the plans for future....
A: The only plans I have for the future is to get this next album recorded. I am so, so desperate to just get stuck in and create. It's my favourite part of the whole process, for me. I have so many songs for this record that I think we'll be having an overflow into album number 3, but ideally I'd like to put them all out on one record even if it has to turn into a double album.
Q: Any parting words?
A: Thank you... I love you all... x
Thanks Sam, and all The Koolaid Electric Company
Q: Who are your influences?
A: Ah man, I have so many. It's extremely difficult to narrow down who or what influences you the most. I am in love with so much music. I love art in all forms, I probably know nothing about what specific pieces of art would mean but I do know what they would mean to me. But that's what art should be about really, all art. When you see or hear something for the first time, in a years time you're not going to remember what it meant or how it felt to the person creating it... you're going to remember what you felt and what it meant to you. Everything is personal. But, to actually answer your question, I have conciously drawn influence from music such as The Beatles, Radiohead, Elliott Smith, Nirvana, Spacemen 3, Ride, Motown, The Beach Boys and Dennis wilson... alot of the usual suspects which seem to fall into our umbrella of bands and music. I am heavily influenced by movies, people and moments too. Ryan van Kriedt (Asteroid #4, Dead Skeletons, Sunsplit) is a wonderful, great friend of mine who I draw inspiration from everyday... Aislinn van Kriedt (ex-Asteroid #4, Sunsplit) is another person of true beauty and full of inspiration, spirit and love.
Love is the great influence of all time, I think.

Q. Made a list of 5 albuns of all time…
A: Again, it's so difficult to narrow down 5 albums that can be considered for something like this... Impossible, really.
I'll try to give you 5 great albums... I'm not hugely into giving obscure and unknown bands and albums as I feel while you may give someone something new to find and listen to I'd rather relate with someone.
1. Dennis Wilson - Pacific Ocean Blue
2. Sunsplit - Sing For Sunday
3. Eels - Blinking Lights and Other Revelations
4. Sonic Youth - Goo
5. John Frusciante - Niandra Lades and Usually Just a T-Shirt
Q. How do you fell playing alive?
A: Playing live is a tough one for me. I realise it is an extremely important part of being in a band and wanting to be noticed. But my feeling is when, like us, you're a band who can't afford to fly around the world and play shows all the time, you are playing shows over and over again in the same places to the same people. I would much rather take time between shows and tours so that you aren't repeating yourself and bringing people to the same show they saw the last 2 or 3 times they came out and spent money on seeing you play. Aswell as that, on a personal point of view, I am shy and anxious and overwhelmingly awkward... which makes playing shows and touring difficult for me. But playing live... when it's good, it's good - you know...
Q. How do you describe KEC sounds?
A: I think I am the worst person to ask this question. We have been described many ways... I liked the "Opiated Psychedelia" description. It is, as the songwriter, accurate I think. We are loud... we are quiet... we are melodic... We are a band of misfits, really... which makes us sound the way we do.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs?
A: Usually, I'll record an 8-track demo. Playing all the parts and then play the song to everyone and go from there. Sometimes I'll come into it blind and just show the song to everyone and work with everyone until it's sounding right. So when it comes to recording we are usually quite confident and sure of what we are doing and what we are playing. So there isn't alot of time for pre-production required. Mostly we have
recorded live and then do necessary overdubs. I am really quite involved in the overall process along with the engineer/producer. I find it fascinating, really. I cannot wait to start recording the next album. The debut album was only released last year but they were all songs we had been playing for up to 4 or 5 years. Whereas this time around it feels fresh and more than half of the songs haven't been played live
Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
A: I don't know about new bands... but bands I'd recommend... who you'd probably already know:
The Tamborines, Asteroid #4, Dead Skeletons, Black Market Karma, Thee Piatcions, The Black Ryder, Sad Day For Puppets, The Tennis System, thelightshines, The Hall of Mirrors...

Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?
A: Ah man... There are so many songs I love and would probably destroy if we really were to cover them. I love playing and singing other peoples songs just to myself or whatever... but I don't think I could do it for real. It has happened in the past...We recorded 2 songs for the BJM covers project. I totally regret it now as when I think about them, I hear them in my head, I hang my head shamefully laughing.
You never know, time will tell.
Q: What´s the plans for future....
A: The only plans I have for the future is to get this next album recorded. I am so, so desperate to just get stuck in and create. It's my favourite part of the whole process, for me. I have so many songs for this record that I think we'll be having an overflow into album number 3, but ideally I'd like to put them all out on one record even if it has to turn into a double album.
Q: Any parting words?
A: Thank you... I love you all... x
Thanks Sam, and all The Koolaid Electric Company