É com muita honra que inauguro mais uma etapa que espero ser longinqua aqui no TBTCI, fase esta que visa no abastecer de informações sobre as bandas os albuns e as curiosidades a respeito de quem admiramos.
E como pontapé inicial das entrevistas que colocarei a vocês, temos Scott Causer, fundador do selo Northern Star Records responsavel pela coletanea Psychedelica Series, criador da gema psicodelica acida intitulada The Electric Mainline e não contente também com outro projeto intitulado Perfect Blue.
Interview 18/10 – Scott Cause from The Electric Mainline / Northerstar RecordsQ. When did The Electric Mainline star?
A. The name The Electric Mainline has been doing the rounds since October 2004. It was initially a name we recorded under. The name comes from the Spiritualized instrumental Electric Mainline as I always thought it would be a cool name to use and I believe it accurately reflects our music. We recorded some demos and put them up on myspace and from there we had a really good response. We were in touch with a lot of bands such as The Black Angels, The Stevenson Ranch Davidians, The Dolly Rocker Movement etc.
A. The name The Electric Mainline has been doing the rounds since October 2004. It was initially a name we recorded under. The name comes from the Spiritualized instrumental Electric Mainline as I always thought it would be a cool name to use and I believe it accurately reflects our music. We recorded some demos and put them up on myspace and from there we had a really good response. We were in touch with a lot of bands such as The Black Angels, The Stevenson Ranch Davidians, The Dolly Rocker Movement etc.

Q. When did Nothern Star Records start?
A. We were aiming to put our own 7” single out and then realised that no-one was going to buy a record from a band no-ones ever heard of. We were in touch with a lot of like-minded bands and I hit on the idea of putting together a compilation of these great bands. I then formed formed Northern Star Records with a friend of mine who ran a webzine.
Q. Tell us abou Psychedelica Compilation and The Electric Mainline debut EP?
A. By the time the Psychedelica compilation was out the initial line-up of TEM had disbanded. Northern Star then went on to take a life of its own and the project was temporarily sidelined. I continued writing and recording under the name and self-released the All Too Much EP which sold very well from the Northern Star website. Shortly after this Fran joined in and we’ve been the core of the band ever since, playing sporadically, with different people coming and going. Despite the constant writing and recording nothing has been released since, until this year when a remixed version of All Too Much appeared on the Revolution In Sound compilation. We’d put together a new line-up and felt it would be a good idea to get the name out there again and start putting tunes. We’re currently writing and recording and some of thesenew songs will be seeing the light of day very soon.

Q. Who are your influences/heroes?
A. The main influences I guess came from growing up as a teenager and listening to my favourite era of music, the mid-to-late 80s. I was listening to The Smiths, The Cure, The Stone Roses, Joy Division, The Jesus & Mary Chain, Primal Scream. However I also grew up listening to punk and psychedelia so I have all these things going round in my head.
Q. What´s you opinion about the classic shoegazer era?
A. The shoegaze era is something I find myself increasingly confused by – as with all types of music there was good and bad . I love Ride, The Telescopes, Slowdive, My Bloody Valentine who were all considered shoegaze bands, but I see them as great psychedelic influenced pop bands. While there is undeniably an element of that in our music, its more of a dreamy psychedelia. I don’t care too much for genres to be honest. We just play what we want to play. If anything we’re an out-and-out pop band. Every song is different from the last and we all bring different things to the mix. Its all about making the music that means something to you.

Q. What´s your opinion about the new shoegazer era ?
A. The most interesting thing for me about this new so-called ‘gaze’ scene is the bands that take it as an influence and turn it into something of their own. Bands such as The Nova Saints, Youngteam, The December Sound, Maribel, Screen Vinyl Image, Dead Leaf Echo are all striving for something higher and this is what really blows my minds about these bands. You can hear it in their music. Some of these bands appear on the new Northern Star compilation Revolution In Sound. I strongly recommend this for anyone who’s looking for something a little different and into noisy pop songs.
Thanks Scott!!!!
Em tempo, o debut do The Electric Mainline - All too Much é daqueles cds que tem que ter, acido, psicodelismo, shoegazer, dreampop condensados em preciosas canções, altamente recomendavel!!!!
The Electric Mainline - We are now - http://www.mediafire.com/?jg1aj3memjz
Norther Star Records - http://www.northernstarrecords.co.uk/