Quem conhece Paul Lopez, por seus trabalhos a frente do Spell 336 e mais recentemente do Angel Falls, certamente vai se impressionar com o projeto solo dele, chamado Sana Obruent.
Absolutamente nada, nenhum vestígio de shoegaze ou dreampop, muito longe disto, em seus álbuns "Prince of The Air" de 2016 e mais do mais recente "Dyatlov" deste ano, são verdadeiras odes fantasmagóricas, através de experimentações com drones, beirando sonoridades neo clássicas.
A música do Sana Obruent vai muito além do que uma simples experiência sonora, se faz necessário ativar os os cinco sentidos básicos do ser humano, tato, olfato, paladar, audição e visão, a união de todos poderá te conduzir a essência completa, todavia se ouvir alguma ausência destes sentidos, certamente a interpretação sera completamente diferente.
Sana Obruent é música muito além do que se convenciona chama-la, ou como bem coloca seu criado Paul Lopez, "a música do Sana Obruent é a música que os fantasmas ouviriam."
***** Interview with Sana Obruent *****
A: I started recording as Sana Obruent around 2011-12. I have always been a huge fan of Ambient-Dark Ambient-Drone recordings for quite some time.
Q: Who are your influences?
A: To be quite honest I listen to every genre of music and that would make it difficult for me to choose anyone specifically. I have so many that I could list but I will save that for another day.
Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time:
A: It would be very hard for me to choose a particular set of albums because I have more than five in my list but here is the albums that I am currently listening to:
1.Nick Drake - Pink Moon
2.Kraftwerk - Autobahn
3.David Bowie - Blackstar
4.Slint - Spiderland
5.The Residents - God In Three Persons
Q. How do you feel playing live?
A: It has not happened yet but I do hope that sometime in the future it will. If the music of Sana Obruent was to be performed in a live setting I would want the members of the audience to experience more than just a typical show. The music of Sana Obruent is also very visual so there would be films and images to accompany the music. For example if I was to perform my latest release "Dyatlov" I would like the audience to feel as if they are in the Ural mountains near Russia surrounded by snow and despair. The same mindset can also be used for my first release "Prince Of The Air." I need the audience to feel as if they are sitting inside the front parlour of a victorian home in 1910 surrounded by ghosts.
Q. How would you describe Sana Obruent's sounds?
A: Music that ghosts would listen to.
Sana Obruent
Q: Tell us about the process of recording your songs ?
A: I tend to come up with ideas for any of my tracks throughout my day. I can usually sketch out a sonic vision mentally of how I would like the track to sound. Although there are no lyrics to the music of Sana Obruent I still write onto my various notebooks thoughts or ideas that go with what I hear inside my head. When I feel confident enough and ready to record I start. I always record late at night until sunrise. Less distraction when the world is asleep. I also record live which eliminates the need for me to do any type of editing. If there is any edits with the music of Sana Obruent it occurs at the beginning and end of each song. I fade in the intro and fade out the outro. That simple. I do not use any type of synths when I record. It is all organic and most importantly it is live. Always!
Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
A: Another tough question. There is just too many bands that I love and adore for me to put them into a specific category and it is also possible for me to change my mind at any moment about what I am listening to when it comes to new music. I am always trying to catch up!
Q: Of which band would you love to make a cover version of?
A: The music that I create as Sana Obruent are strictly original compositions. I think it would be more than difficult as well to create a particular song regardless of the genre into a dark ambient/drone piece. My Shoegaze band Angel Falls have done some cover tracks in the past that were originally recorded by bands such as 10cc and Hawkwind. I will leave the cover tracks to my band Angel Falls.
Q: What are your plans for the future?
A: To keep writing and recording with all of my musical projects. It really is a full time job for me and as long as I have that mindset I will keep going as long as I can and hopefully there will still be plenty of listeners who will want to hear what I am writing and recording.
Q: Any parting words?
A: Keep your head down and stay under the radar.