Uma das bandas mais bacanas da atualidade, som sujão, chapadão, psicodélico, estridente e mais uma montão de adjetivos que já usaram por aí pra definir essa pancadaria que pega tudo de mais sujo e barulhento que foi feito em décadas passadas e atualiza a parafernália toda para os tempos atuais.
O Hookworms lançou um dos grandes discos de 2013 o irrepreensível Pearl Mystic, e se prepara pra soltar o próximo The Hum que já pelos aperitivos que soltaram vem mais uma carga pesada de sujeira infestada de microfonia e muitos psicotrópicos.
E daí é lógico que eles não poderiam faltar aqui nas páginas do TBTCI.
É pra se embriagar e chapar total, e bem que alguém poderia ter o lampejo de trazer o "Amarelão" para o Brasil.
***** Interview with Hookworms *****
Q: When did Hookworms start, tell us about the history?
A: Hookworms started in the winter of 2009, practicing in a dusty basement on the outskirts of Leeds.
Q: Who are your influences?
A: Numerous and infinite, including (but not limited to): the Velvet Underground, the Modern Lovers, Spacemen 3, the Stooges, Suicide, the MC5, Stereolab, Pure X, Neil Young, Can, Wilco...
Q: Make a list of the best 5 albums of all time…
A: Today I would say:
White Light/White Heat,
Haha Sound,
The Modern Lovers,
Perfect Prescription,
Yankee Hotel Foxtrot.
Q: How do you feel playing live?
A: Playing live is a huge release for us, we get to let out all our demons for half an hour and be swallowed by the noise.
Q: How do you describe Hookworms' sounds?
A: Loud, repetitive, hypnotic, cathartic.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs?
A: Some songs are built up and written layer after layer in the studio, others are fully formed in the practice room by the time we come round to recording.
Q: Which new bands would you recommended?
A: Virginia Wing, Golden Teacher, Listening Center, Ultimate Painting, Soft Walls, Menace Beach, Galaxians...
Q: Which bands would you love to make a cover version of?
A: We have only ever played two cover versions, one by Beat Happening and one by the Velvet Underground.
Q: What’s the plan for future?
A: We have a new album ‘The Hum’ coming out in November on Weird World Records.
Q: Any parting words?
A: Don’t drink and drive, eat pizza and die.
Thanks guys