sexta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2012

Several Girls Galore with Hermetic Delight - Track by Track

Shoegazer clássico com roupagem atualizada e altas e densas camadas de pos punk, Hermetic Delight é isso, com toques de sensualidade fria, vide Tamaryn, e o novo EP do Hermetic Delight é isso shoegazer gélido e sensual, evoando MBV por todos os lados, mas como se Toni Halliday do Curve estivesse a frente, delirante e frio ao mesmo tempo. Recomendadíssimo.

Daí o TBTCI pediu ao Hermetic Delight mandar um track by track pra explicar exatamente qual é a do novo ep, basicamente isso que escrevi e um pouco mais....audição obrigatória.

Track by Track - Hermetic Delight

HOLY SISTER: we wanted to be as powerful and soft as possible. We listened to sexy sounds, like Tamaryn, The Horrors or The Raveonettes and tried to create an anthem.

HEARTBEAT: we recorded heartbeat in one whole track and cut it in 2 parts. Heartbeat I and Hearbeat II could have been called Heart and Beat. These tracks could be a representation of the HD effect (when you put the words Hermetic and Delight together.) You can hear some My Bloody Valentine, Belong in Heartbeat I. Heartbeat II is an spontaneous explosion for vocals and instrumentals. We just played it.