O que fazer quando se recebe um e-mail com o teor de conteudo como o que recebi, vejam só:
This is just a quick message to introduce our band The Vitamin Sees with a view to be featured in your blog. The band features Mick Harrison from 90's Indie faves Prolapse plus Stuart Gray from Fence Records act Viva Stereo, Rob Norbury(ex Dirty Backbeats) and Sam Walker(ex Ambrose Tompkins)..we're not looking to make massive waves on the music scene but we all have played in Leicester and decided to get together to make some noise.
We're influenced by stuff like MBV, Loop, The Modern Lovers, Can, Spacemen 3, Mary Chain, 13th Floor Elevators...as usual the list could go on and on.
We played our first gig in April 2010 and have just completed our first demo recordings which we'll hopefully be remixing and releasing at some point later in the year as a 7".
We would be grateful(if you like the music) if you could feature us in your blog. I realise its a bit cheeky to ask but no harm done if not. We've attached an mp3 of one of the songs('Illuminati Mind Control') but if you'd prefer to feature one of the others on our myspace page then let us know and we can send through an mp3 of that instead.
If you require any further information/pictures etc then please get in touch. We don't have an official website yet but our myspace is:
This is just a quick message to introduce our band The Vitamin Sees with a view to be featured in your blog. The band features Mick Harrison from 90's Indie faves Prolapse plus Stuart Gray from Fence Records act Viva Stereo, Rob Norbury(ex Dirty Backbeats) and Sam Walker(ex Ambrose Tompkins)..we're not looking to make massive waves on the music scene but we all have played in Leicester and decided to get together to make some noise.
We're influenced by stuff like MBV, Loop, The Modern Lovers, Can, Spacemen 3, Mary Chain, 13th Floor Elevators...as usual the list could go on and on.
We played our first gig in April 2010 and have just completed our first demo recordings which we'll hopefully be remixing and releasing at some point later in the year as a 7".
We would be grateful(if you like the music) if you could feature us in your blog. I realise its a bit cheeky to ask but no harm done if not. We've attached an mp3 of one of the songs('Illuminati Mind Control') but if you'd prefer to feature one of the others on our myspace page then let us know and we can send through an mp3 of that instead.
If you require any further information/pictures etc then please get in touch. We don't have an official website yet but our myspace is:
Thanks for your time and all the best with the blog.
Quem me conhece já sabe o que aconteceu, fui ouvir o The Vitamin Sees e ai virou vicio, 3 canções, 1 unico show no Biff Bang Pow Club, e os caras simplesmente são isso tudo e mais um pouco, Spacemen 3 e Loop aos montes, psicodelismo acido e barulhento misturado com pitadas de kraut e mais pitadas de Fall como na poderosa Shot Down, mas é em Illuminati Mind Control 1 que a banda atinge o apice, um mix das melhores viagens de Sonic Boom e Jason Pierce aliadas a repetições ciclicas de Loop e lisergia a´la Rocky Erickson, um absurdo, absolutamente fodaço, ainda tem Evil Eye que só pelo nome já sugere a esbornia em forma de canção.
Faça o seguinte fique de olho e acompanhe passo a passo este espetacular Vitamin Sees, porque é só o começo da viagem.
Agradecimento especialissimo ao Stuart Gray por dar a oportunidade ao TBTCI ter acesso ao espetaculo.
The Vitamin Sees - Demos