Facilmente, uma das bandas mais barulhentas da atualidade o Stellarium já conhecidissimo por estes lados, sai de Singapura para o mundo e faz uma ponte por aqui novamente, com um Bootleg, cortesia do dono da banda Mr. AZ, um bad person como ele próprio se intula, AZ e a guerrilha armada do Stellarium, destilam altas doses de noise nesta apresentação assustadoramente barulhenta onde o público era composto de punkers e grindecores que mal sabiam o que estava se passando naquele momento, ponto apice do espetaculo é a parte final com a maravilhosa Dead Nebula. Esse Live at Blackhole é um aperitivo para o debut dos caras que esta saindo amanhã e pode ser adquirido via Unexplaineble Recordings.
Aproveitando todo o alvoroço causado pelos caras, abaixo um rapido bate papo com os proprios:
****** Stellarium - An Interview ******

Q.When did Stellarium starts, tell us about the beginning…
A. Stellarium was formed very long ago, in a galaxy and space far away. It's more noisy back there and we've arrived in this time and space to spread the noise.
Q.Who are the influences from the band?
A. We like dark and moody sounds, intense and from a higher state of existence. We draw them from 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s era. That's a whole lot of research for you to do. Now go.
A. Stellarium was formed very long ago, in a galaxy and space far away. It's more noisy back there and we've arrived in this time and space to spread the noise.
Q.Who are the influences from the band?
A. We like dark and moody sounds, intense and from a higher state of existence. We draw them from 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s era. That's a whole lot of research for you to do. Now go.
Q. Tell us about the process of recordings?
A. We normally jam a lot before hitting the studios. There is a certain process where we like to tap the raw energy and power from the essence of a song. After that it's a matter of focusing that energy down on record.
Q. Tell us about the Supersonic Festival....
A. Supersonic Sound Festival is the best shoegaze festival. There is no hype, no holier than thou shoegaze seniority attitude or elitism like how you would come cross in other festivals of the same genre. You should come, it's gonna be a blast. It's like a caveman's Link Wray Rumble party.
Q. Which bands you love to made a cover version?
A. There are many bands worth covering. It's kinda a hard decision to make.
Q. Which new bands you recommended?
A. Maribel, Screen Vinyl Image, Vandelles, Ceremony, Pinkshinyultrablast, Sexconsciousyoungmoderns
Q. What´s the plans for future?new records, a tour….
A. There are some tracks that we've done that we've decided to roll back for the future, some nice palette of styles and sounds. There could be a split EP, a 7" Ep too. An east coast tour of the US is in the plans too for 2011/2012. Some say the world will end in 2012? I wonder why.
Thanks Stellarium
Stellarium - http://www.myspace.com/stellariumsg
Stellarium - Live at Blackhole - http://www.mediafire.com/?ergdne2zmmw