quinta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2015

Futurecent with The Orange Revival - An Interview

Se existe uma gravadora da atualidade da qual eu colocaria mão no fogo 100% é a Fuzz Club, até o momento tudo, eu digo, simplesmente tudo que os caras soltam é de altíssima qualidade, de Dead Skeletons a Woken Trees, de The Underground Youth a Third Sound, não há como negar que existe um padrão de qualidade, um selo atestando que aquilo é de qualidade.

O mais novo representante da gravadora são os suecos psych do The Orange Revival, nem tão novatos assim na cena, estão na ativa desde 2009, soltando reverb, fuzz e muita psicodelia mas agora chegaram ao debute pelo novo selo, Futurecent é o nome aditivo.

Um caldeirão de acidez, explodindo para todos os lados, e não há muito o que fazer, é deixar-se abduzir e saborear o amarguinho do efeito. 

Um dos grandes álbuns de 2015.

***** Interview with The Orange Revival *****

Q. When did The Orange Revival start? tell us about the history...
1 - I started it in 2009 , I recorded some songs in a small cabin on my parents yard including How do you feel . later on that year I put together a band with some old friends who also played music and we started playing live etc. we recorded the first songs on pretty much the cheapest recording
equipment available. thats why it sounds like it does. If you want a sound that is similar to our first record, buy the cheapest recording setup available and press rec!.

Q: Who are your influences?
2 - Everything from Elliott smith to Stooges to Flaming lips to Spiritualized to Cat power to Baby woodrose to Townes van zandt to Joy division, It all changes day to day. there is to many good bands

Q. Make a list of 5 albuns of all time…
3 - Oh that is to hard to say, We are not educated enough to do that.

Q. How do you feel playing live?
4 - Its usually very fun and we try to play as much as we can, Hopefully we can play more and more in the future! Really looking forward to play the Fuzz club festival in London on november 14th.

Q. How do you describe The Orange Revival sounds?
5 - its just rock n roll

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
6 - Usually I come up with a riff and the first words to a text, then build upon it until it feels like a song , and finally I write the rest of the lyrics and put it on top, its built like a cake !

Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
7 - been thinking of many but have never recorded any, just played a few live, the last one I thought of was a Johnny thunders song..

Q: What are your plans for the future?
8 - A short Us tour in november, touring Eu in spring 2016 and record a new album in between.

Q: Any parting words?
9 - Thanks to Fuzz club records and everyone who support us!!
