A catastrofe recem ocorrido no Japão gereou ao redor do mundo todo inumeras manifestações de solidariedade dentre outros atos que pessoas do bem e que querem o bem ao mundo fazem muitas vezes de forma anonima de outras através de grandes manifestações culturais, não importa, se o objetivo é auxiliar um povo é mais do que justificavel.
E simplesmente o mundo alternativo da nova geração ou nem tão nova assim, voltado as raizes shoegazers, ou experimentais, ou noise, ou electro, ou post rock, ou que se fodam os rotulos, o que vale é que nada mais nada menos do que 6 volumes estão prestes a serem lançados pela espetacular Patetico Records capitaneada pelo genial Tom Lugo responsavel dentre outras coisas pelo fundamental Stellarscope e o novissimo Panophonic, ou seja o que Mr. Tom Lugo conseguiu reunir nestes 6 volumes é a nata da musica com toques shoegazers da atualidade, temos desde SVI a Purple Bloom, de Ceremony a Anji Cheung passando por Insect Guide, Dead Leaf Echo, SPC ECO, Spotlight Kid, 93MMFTS, Anything After, Oblisk, Stellarium, Bloody Knives, Deep Cut, sinceramente a lista é interminavel de coisas finissimas e essenciais, o que se tem nesses volumes é absolutamente indispensavel, então faça um favor a você mesmo e colabore com a causa, adquira este artefato que é uma verdadeira reliquia da musica alternativa.
Segue Release:
PATETICO RECORDINGS will be releasing the "Rock Back for Japan"-Disaster Relief Fund compilation series over the next couple of weeks. It will be released for digital download, a couple of weeks later the hard copy CDs will be available through Amazon. Please become a member of the site at:

Rock Back for Japan Vol. 1 01. Purple Bloom- kisses bloomed 02. Apple Orchard- Half steps towards bright skies 03. SPC ECO- Silo Too High 04. Tahaki Miyaki- Somethin is better than nothing 05. Insect Guide- 06. Black Swan Lane- Age end 07. Un.Real- Angel 75 08. Spotlight Kid- All is real 09. Tally Ho!- Rainbow 10. Counterfeit i- Atlantis 11. Panophonic- Disappear into the night 12. Spell 336- Silence 13. Orangenoise- Trust 14. The DeFog- A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Rock Back for Japan Vol. 2 01. Stellarium- Chocolate & Strawberry 02. Absence of Ocean- Open Heart (Open Fire) 03. Hemming- Swinging at Ghosts 04. Slowness- Slowboat 05. Dead Leaf Echo- Baby Eyes 06. The Ludvico Treatment- Enter secondary character 07. Wavvement- The Girl in the Denim Vest 08. Anthing After- Disconnected 09. The Bavarian Druglords- WorldofSound 10. Ten Pound Troy- Unchained 11. Boy Party- July 12. Pilot Cloud- Meridian 13. Short to the Ground- No Time 14. This Scarlet Mourning- Shine
Rock Back for Japan Vol. 3 01.Ceremony- Control 02.Golden Gardens- The High Priestess 2 03.Bosques- Dorstein Rejse 04.Oblisk- Around the sound 05.Stone Darling- All I wanna Do 06.Resplandor- Twilight 07.Ludwyg- Phantom 08.Dirty Pulp Theatre- Excessive Noise 09. Hope- Wolfredt 10.After Sun- Walking Through This Door Again 11.Wavefield- Automatic Electronic Machines 12.Neorev-The Stars Above Us 13.Jesus Deluxe- No Middle Ground 14.Sway-Thirty Seven Miles Beside the Ocean

Rock Back for Japan Vol. 4 01.Plumerai- Empty Graves 02.Leaving Richmod- Your personal infinity 03.Jazzblaster- Dream 04.93millionmilesfromthesun-Sorrow Song 05.Anne- Perfect teeth 06.The Psychocandies- High Love 07.Periscope- Freak Beat 08.Music For Headphones- Life inside a parka 09.Anji Cheung-Vessel of the Earth 10.Last Remaining Pinnacles- Students of V.U. 11.Phantom Vibrations- Burlington 12.Bloody Knives- Let me out 13.The Sunshine Factory- Sugar Sister 14. Chatham Rise- Air Feat (Featuring EJ Hagen)

Rock Back for Japan Vol. 5 01.Screen Vinyl Image- Too much speed 02.Tone Rodent- These Blues 03.Deep Cut- Decision 04.The Tweeds- Christmas Time 05.Victorie & Hyde- Fire we were 06.Presents for Sally- Three 07. SER.ES- Satélite 08. The Hope Slide- The Survivor 09. The High Violets- The Orchard 10.Whirl- Leave 11. FRACTAL - Niña Flor 12.Westkust- Falling through the floor 13.The Telewire- Silence 14. Stellarscope- You always know
Rock Back for Japan Vol. 6 (Still waiting on some tracks) 01.The Lost Patrol- Justine 02.Niels Nielson- Step Aside! 03.Isabela Music Club- What were you thinking? 04.Thrushes- Crystals 05.Elika- Seam 06.Patrik Torsson- Summary 07.The Second Floor- More science than soul 08.Mechanism for People- The taste of a sweet life 09.Starry Saints- The Long Fade 10.Her Vanished Grace- Blue 11.Ill-iteracy- Inside ya mind 12.C’est la Mort- Paper Ships 13.One Unique Signal- Bishops (what does it mean) Please support this cause!