O que é necessario para fazer de um album atemporal ou ser considerado objeto e culto e devoção?! Acima de tudo é fazer com que o ouvinte adentre ao universo da obra, fazer com que as canções tornem-se por completo parte da vida do ouvinte, não há como prever como e quando um artista ou banda conseguira realmente atingir este resultado. O fato é que a introdução aqui colocada serve perfeitamente para descrever o que Evi Vine conseguiu realizar com seu belissimo ...and so the morning comes a candura eterea acustica das canções do album recheiam a obra quase que por completo, acresça a esta atmosfera fantasmas de Mazzy Star, Siouxsie Sioux, Robert Smith, PJ Harvey e Nick Cave, dando um ar denso, escuro as vezes, iluminado em outras é fato que Evi Vine chega proximo as portas do paraiso e leva seus ouvintes junto consigo, mas cuidado nem sempre os anjos são bons a musica que fecha o album All The Beauty vem encharcada em uma atmosfera shoegazer a´la Avalyn do Slowdive e só por este motivo já fica claro o poder de criação de Evi Vine, ou se o ceú e o inferno convivessem em plena harmonia certamente a trilha sonora seria ...and so the morning comes.
Aproveitando o lançamento do album, o TBTCI atraves do grande amigo Matt Wyatt ex Club AC30 e atual White Label Music, viabilizou uma entrevista especialissima com a já musa Evi Vine, só posso dizer obrigado Matt e meus amigos deleitem-se.
Aproveitando o lançamento do album, o TBTCI atraves do grande amigo Matt Wyatt ex Club AC30 e atual White Label Music, viabilizou uma entrevista especialissima com a já musa Evi Vine, só posso dizer obrigado Matt e meus amigos deleitem-se.
***** Interview with Evi Vine *****

A. Musical early memories are more visual, The Cure, Siouxsie Soux...i loved the idea that there was this subculture living in the shadows creating all this great sounding music.
Q. What’s your best remembrance about Eden House?
A. I had an existing relationship with jungle records through Bob White from the band 'NFD', i was contacted midway recording an album with Peter Yates when Tony Petit called me...it seemed like a wonderful opportunity and one not to miss - performing live with Amandeen was an amazing experience.
Q. What´s your personal influences?
A. We all came from very different backgrounds and I have actually been writing and performing for nearly 10 years so i think we brought alot of experience to each other...into the melting pot collectively
Q. How you describe your sounds?
A. The premier EP Human Remains from 2006 felt very raw and sorrowful with no way out, suffocating but it felt like there had been a shift somehow and working with Steven, producing the music together felt more like sunshine and change suddenly - as opposed to suffocating.

A. Dave Allen worked with the Cure who are one of our favourite bands so it was an amazing experience, full of wise tales…then he painted our lightbulbs purple…. Stephen Street equally amazing in a totally different manner, again have to appreciated the bands these guys have worked with….I was lucky of the chance.
Q. How was the process to recording the debut album?
A. As always the recording process was amazing i cant fault it - it was a major learning experience for us both but we enjoyed every minute including production which we have never done before, not on this level. we got stung on the mixing however and lost too much money and too much time...you know who you are. after that we decided to go alone and mix the record ourselves as we own this music and felt like we knew how it should be.
Q. About gig´s, what´s the feeling to playing alive...
A. I kind of close myself and just focus on my guitar and my hands..the silence...what i have to do as well as make sure the band are happy, with steven playing electirc/sonic guitars and sometimes drums, ruban bass plays bass, al richardson on drums, hannah gillett, ben roberts on Cello and i will be on vocals and guitar...

A. Fields of the Nephilim - Elizium
PJ Harve - Dry
NIN - Downwars Spiral
Arvo Part - Speguil
Sisters of Mercy - First And Last And Always
Q. Which new bands do you recommend? A. Warpaint are amazing, Bon Iver set the scene for beautiful home recordings again, Noah and the whale, Laura Marling…anything new by Massive attack and Mogwai…
Q. About the future, what are your plans?
A. The next record!
Q. Any parting words...
A. Thank you so much
Thanks Evi, thanks Steve and thanks Matt....