Fuzz, Overdrive, Distortions, Delays, barulho, caos, destruição, J&MC, Skywave, MBV, VU, tudo devidamente em estado bruto e lo-fi, os caçulas do noise e revelação maxima deste ano de 2010 são os americanos do Between The Cities Are Stars. O pessoal da banda é gente finissima diga-se de passagem, através do Myspace tomei conhecimento de banda e comecei uma amizade bacanerrima com o Kyle, guitarra e vocal desta banda que vai agradar ao talo os amantes das referencias acima e mais, para quem esta sedento por novidades de qualidade o Between The Cities Are Stars veio para preencher facilmente qualquer tipo de vazio em seus ouvidos com o maximo de barulho que voce conseguir suportar, isso sem contar que mês que vem tem album dos caras, e para preencher a curiosidade, um pouco da historia, preferencias e logicamente algumas canções para destruir os timpanos, escute All That Mad Trouble, Another Tuesday Night e Starstreamer e tente ficar imune.
***** Interview with Between The Cities Are Stars *****
Q. When did Between the Cities are Stars form, tell us about the beginning…
A. It Started in 05' after an old band I was in ended. Heather and I moved up to Oakland, Ca with a digital recorder and a dream, lol. Once we got settled, we began writing and working on new sounds and songs, similar to our favorite bands. As the story goes, we had a hard time with drummers. A few years later, Heather and I were living in LA while I was going to school and we ran into an old high school friend who ended up playing drums with us for a few months. It sounded great but things didn't work out there so we were using the old faithful drum machine for a while. When Heather & I moved back home to Central Ca, we continued playing and found Jen along with an awesome scene of people. It's been the three of us since November 2009.
Q. What are the band’s influences?
A. 80's & 90's shoegaze bands are a big influence along with 70's and 80's post punk/ hardcore punk bands and alternative rock bands from the 90's and 50's rock n roll.
Q. How you describe the sounds?
A. We were once told it sounded like Pink Floyd on steroids but we feel its more like noisy, fuzzed out, space rock.
Q. Tell us about the recording process for the forthcoming ep?
A. After a month of playing together, we did a live ep in December at Drunk Tank Studios and decided we wanted to go track by track rather than live. After that, we Practiced A LOT and then decided to record a nine song cd. We recorded track by track in February and mixed in March at DTS. The songs are getting mastered now and the cd should be out in May sometime.

Q. What´s your 5 favourites albums from all time...
A. The dreaded question....haha. For me, it would have to be "Loveless", "Synthstatic", "Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star ", "Psychocandy" and "Taking Drugs to Make Music to Take Drugs to", in no real order. These are a must for any road trip. As a band, we really have lots of interests and making strange, new, rocking noise people might find interesting.
Q, Tell us about playing live.
A. Live is a lot of fun. When the project first started it was mostly, I guess, what most would call a four track band. In the sense that it was tracks layered on top of tracks in one day after maybe one too many "smokes". When we moved back to the valley, we finally found people that just wanted to make something like us and not try and be something other then what they are, and have had a great time doing it. We all come from different musical backgrounds which makes it lots of fun.
Q. Which songs by other bands would you like to do cover versions of?
A. Covers are still TBA. One that's been a work in progress is house of the Rising Sun by the Animals. On the other hand, we are working on some new material too.
Q. Which new bands you recommended?
A. Stellarium, Go Bezerk, Amazing Reverb Engine, Was She A Vampire, Bloody Knives, CREATIONIST, Roma Soddam, The History of Colour Tv. There are so many great, new bands coming out, it's hard to keep up with them all.

Q. What are the plans for the future?
A. More and more shows, the next couple of months get busy around here so we hope to be as well. Along with getting some cover songs in our set list and writing new material.
Q. Any important news to tell us…
A. We have a full length record coming out in May along with a 5 way split with Stellarium, Suicide Party, Bloody Knives, and Was She A Vampire coming out in May as well on Killredrocketsrecords that will be available for free as a download. Thanks Renato for the interview in" The blog that celebrates itself".
Thanks Kyle....keep the noise man!!!
www.myspace.com/betweenthecitiesarestarsBetween The Cities Are Stars -
3 Songs