quarta-feira, 6 de março de 2019

Mientras Esperas with Mint Field - An Interview

Vamos formular uma equação aqui: tente unificar o kraut do NEU!, o pós punk melancólico do Cure e os devaneios fritantes do shoegaze.

Um dos resultados certamente seria o trio mexicano de Tijuana, Mint Field.

Hipnótico e envolvente Mint Field já havia causado furor no submundo dos bons sons com seus debute, "Pasar de las Luces", lançado ano passado, e agora, voltam com "Mientras Esperas", novo EP que segue a lógica sonora deles, vocais etereamente gélidos, melodias matematicamente sequenciais, por vezes estridentes, em outras flutuantemente apaixonantes.

O Mint Field vem endossar o que já era sabido, a cena mexicana vai muito bem obrigado.

***** Interview with Mint Field *****

Q. When did Mint Field begin? Tell us about the history...
Mint field began in 2014 when Estrella and I (Amor) met each other. We were both eager to play music and everything evolved after that. It was very hard to find someone with the same musical likes in Tijuana.

Q: Who are your influences?
We have many influences from music to people to nature. Musically our main influences at the moment are bands and musicians like Beak, Laurie Anderson, Ulrika Spacek, just to name a few.

Q. Make a list of 5 albuns of all time…
Beak - <<
Kikagaku Moyo - House in the tall grass
Ulrika Spacek - Modern English Decoration
Helvetia - Helvetia’s Junk Shop
Lorelle meets the obsolete - De Facto

Q. How do you feel playing live?
We love playing live, it is one of the things we all love the most. We always just want to play so when we do we enjoy it so much.

Q. How do you describe Mint Field´s sounds?
A mixture of our experiences and expressions. We like to think of ourselves as a band who is able to evolve, without any categories or labels.

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
Most of the songs came out while we were doing sound checks on our tours. A melody or beat would come out and we’d jam it. Lyrics then came along and we got to record this new EP in two days!

Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
El Shirota, Drinks, Ulrika Spacek, Carla del Forno.

Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
I’d like to think we could do something with a Velvet Underground song. A simple one where we could play and add nice textures to.

Q: What are your plans for the future?
We are currently working on touring and a new album. Hopefully we’ll be able to release it this year as well.

Q: Any parting words?
We have just released our new EP “Mientras Esperas” you can stream it though every digital platform, if you listen to it we hope you like it :)
