Existem coisas que só o TBTCI pode fazer por vocês, e é exatamente isso que acontecerá nas linhas abaixo, diretamente de Montevideo, Uruguai, apresento o Moonsters, sônicos, deliciosos, e sedutores, shoegazer, noise, dreamy, apaixonante.
Prove a música do Moonsters através do bandcamp deles, lá tem dois preciosos aperitivos para o que estar por vir, sim, apenas duas pérolas, Fairy´s Vomit e Closet servem pra agucar a vontade e o desejo absurdo de querer mais dos caras, é viciante, sedutoramente abrasivo, shoegazer at the top.
Como eu disse, tem coisas que só o TBTCI pode fazer por você, então aproveite o frescor de algo em ebulicão, amigos, com vocês Moonsters....
***** Interview with Moonsters *****

Q. When did Moonsters starts, tell us about the history...
Actually it was all quite accidental. Cobra and I have a personal multimedia project and played together, Lucho invited us to jam one day and it was instant chemistry. Later on August, 2013 Koopa joined on the drums and Moonsters began. We never had the intention of creating Moonsters, it kinda happened naturally.
Q: Who are your influences?
We have really eclectic tastes and influences, we´re really different from one another, something I think it´s one of the coolest parts of being a part of Moonsters. We don´t try to follow a musical path or don´t try to sound as part of a genre or a scene, or to imitate other artists. Kill your idols, you know... We find inspiration in varied sources, of course in music (we enjoy a lot of different bands from multiple eras and genres, from underground noise, to shoegaze atmospheres, deathrock darkness and no wave beats) also poetry and literature, pop culture, a lot of films (we all have audiovisual background) our own life experiences and of course being born in the 80s and growing up on the 90s forged us, with all that it means.
Q. Made a list of 5 albuns of all time…
Well...this is always a tricky question, specially since we are 4 people and the list is ever expanding. 5 seems like a really tight number, but I´ll try at least to say the first 5 that come to my mind ATM...
All of them in vynil format if possible and in no particular order.
The Velvet Underground & Nico.
Unkown Pleasures by Joy Division
Loveless by My Bloody Valentine
Daydream Nation by Sonic Youth
Anything by Siouxsie and the Banshees
Q. How do you fell playing alive?
We haven´t had any gig yet. We are planning going on tour this year. We love to play, though, the energy flow we get is unbelievable. We always end up extatic and music high. Best drug ever, really.
Q. How do you describe Moonsters sounds?
Since I am a girl in front of 3 males, I think the dychotomy female/masculine is quite evident. My vocals aren´t polished or perfect, just visceral as the lyrics. From the guts and the heart. We describe our sound as atmospheric and skizophrenic at the same time. We use several effects on the guitar which sounds jagged and fuzzy to suddenly turn ethereal and dreamy. Bass lines are rythmical. Drums are solid, and vary between drone and dynamic beats. We´d like to make you feel something. We don´t want to be background music.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
We recorded our singles at Retrotrak, the studio of our friend Marcos. We decided we wanted to record a live take and then we recorded some vocals. It was a blast! I loved the process, the adrenaline level was high and it was intense. Then the songs were mastered by Marcos, who is awesome to work with. He really got our style and the kind of sound we wanted to give to the songs.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
We are constantly digging for new sounds, and I think that after many years without a lot of new bands which tickled my fancy there is a wave of great ones arising. We love Savages, an amazing powerful band, finally playing post-punk the way I like it.
We also dig the shoegaze and psy comeback, great stuff´s going on.
Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?
We are not much into covers, we prefer versions of songs in which artist imprint their own feel instead of copying the sound of others. We are working on a version of a Joy Division song at the moment. I´d also like to version a Slowdive song.
Q: What´s the plans for future...
To be the first band ever to play on the moon. No, really... We´d love to go on a worldwide tour and of course to release an album or two.
Q: Any parting words?
Take care of the sense, and the sounds will take care of themselves.
Thanks guys
We have really eclectic tastes and influences, we´re really different from one another, something I think it´s one of the coolest parts of being a part of Moonsters. We don´t try to follow a musical path or don´t try to sound as part of a genre or a scene, or to imitate other artists. Kill your idols, you know... We find inspiration in varied sources, of course in music (we enjoy a lot of different bands from multiple eras and genres, from underground noise, to shoegaze atmospheres, deathrock darkness and no wave beats) also poetry and literature, pop culture, a lot of films (we all have audiovisual background) our own life experiences and of course being born in the 80s and growing up on the 90s forged us, with all that it means.
Q. Made a list of 5 albuns of all time…
Well...this is always a tricky question, specially since we are 4 people and the list is ever expanding. 5 seems like a really tight number, but I´ll try at least to say the first 5 that come to my mind ATM...
All of them in vynil format if possible and in no particular order.
The Velvet Underground & Nico.
Unkown Pleasures by Joy Division
Loveless by My Bloody Valentine
Daydream Nation by Sonic Youth
Anything by Siouxsie and the Banshees
Q. How do you fell playing alive?
We haven´t had any gig yet. We are planning going on tour this year. We love to play, though, the energy flow we get is unbelievable. We always end up extatic and music high. Best drug ever, really.
Q. How do you describe Moonsters sounds?
Since I am a girl in front of 3 males, I think the dychotomy female/masculine is quite evident. My vocals aren´t polished or perfect, just visceral as the lyrics. From the guts and the heart. We describe our sound as atmospheric and skizophrenic at the same time. We use several effects on the guitar which sounds jagged and fuzzy to suddenly turn ethereal and dreamy. Bass lines are rythmical. Drums are solid, and vary between drone and dynamic beats. We´d like to make you feel something. We don´t want to be background music.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
We recorded our singles at Retrotrak, the studio of our friend Marcos. We decided we wanted to record a live take and then we recorded some vocals. It was a blast! I loved the process, the adrenaline level was high and it was intense. Then the songs were mastered by Marcos, who is awesome to work with. He really got our style and the kind of sound we wanted to give to the songs.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
We are constantly digging for new sounds, and I think that after many years without a lot of new bands which tickled my fancy there is a wave of great ones arising. We love Savages, an amazing powerful band, finally playing post-punk the way I like it.
We also dig the shoegaze and psy comeback, great stuff´s going on.
Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?
We are not much into covers, we prefer versions of songs in which artist imprint their own feel instead of copying the sound of others. We are working on a version of a Joy Division song at the moment. I´d also like to version a Slowdive song.
Q: What´s the plans for future...
To be the first band ever to play on the moon. No, really... We´d love to go on a worldwide tour and of course to release an album or two.
Q: Any parting words?
Take care of the sense, and the sounds will take care of themselves.
Thanks guys