É pessoal, passando o periodo de provas, feriados, tensão no trabalho, estou em divida com uma penca de gente, e sem muito bla bla bla, vamos começar a salda-las uma a uma sem dó nem piedade, e para iniciar, nada mais bacana do que receber email do brother Edu da Pug Records sobre o mais novo petardo dos caras, Duplodeck, um mix bacanerrimo da sonoridade da Elephant com Sterolab trejeitos shoegazer com nuancas de bossa, soa estranho de cara, mas faz todo sentindo, pega Cool Breeze e Francis Bacon sem conta na cover de Another Girl Another Planet do Only Ones, tipo assim do caralho!!!
Para os amigos de fora do pais, vai o release em ingles:
The only unanimity among the members of duplodeck was their admiration for their compatriot singer-songwriter Jorge Ben. The press once called them the “Brazilian Stereolab” – rather narrow title for a band that also resonated Pixies, Comet Gain and Deerhoof, to name a few. Conceived in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, duplodeck existed from 2001 to 2005 – time in which they wrote a huge amount of songs, but recorded only one never released EP. With new mixing, their self-titled debut now resurfaces with guitars louder than originally planned, whilst its four songs remain incredibly fresh. Pug Records has just made the EP available for free download, also compiling an extended version in cassette. The release has encouraged a reunion of the group – they’re preparing a full-length album for the end of the year.
The cassette B-side brings rarities that not even the band members were aware of. In addition to the EP songs, the bonuses encompass live performances, drunken rehearsals and jam sessions. Towards shoegaze noisemaking or bossa nova harmonies and beats, these tracks escape from the EP’s pop format. Such diversity also shows in the two covers: a Beulah-resembling reinvention of Temptations’ My Girl and an appropriation of the post-punk hit Another Girl, Another Planet, from The Only Ones. More than just drafts for the upcoming LP, this material, despite the inappropriate recording, represents a fair sample of the sextet’s great potential.
Duplo Deck - http://www.pugrecords.com/duplodeck/