Já disse e frisei inúmeras vezes não somente aqui nessas páginas, mas em conversas sobre música com amigos, mas vale sempre relembrar, eu particularmente desconheço bandas neo zelandesas que sejam ruins, simplesmente desconheço. Ainda mais quando se pega um álbum com o carimbo de qualidade Flying Nun, daí, essa máxima torna-se absolutamente verdadeira.
O álbum em questão é "Perfect Body", segundo trabalho do trio Mermaidens, um disco mantrico, denso e visceral em sua essência, mesclando sonhos moldados em tonalidades escuras. Algo como se o Opal fizesse uma jam com o Fugazi e o psicodelismo colidisse de frente com o post hardcore quebradiço e matemático.
Ou se você preferir a definição da própria banda: "Imagine se Warpaint fosse uma banda grunge"...
Prepare os neurônios, porque a viagem não é tão fácil assim com o Mermaidens.
***** Interview with Mermaidens *****
Mermaidens in its current form has been around since 2013 when I (Abe) joined Lily and Gussie. Somewhere on the internet there might still be the original pre-Abe Mermaidens EP!
Right now our new album "Perfect Body" is coming out on the 4th of August on Flying Nun Records.
Q: Who are your influences?
For this new album we were really influenced by the kind of dark and textural sounds of Fugazi and Exploded View, but I think there is a softer element to a lot of the music we make. We definitely tried to be restrained and decisive with our song writing for this album, probably more so than last.
Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…
That is a super hard task, so here are 5 amazing New Zealand albums!
Two Hearts and No Brain - Kane Strang
Forever Dolphin Love - Connan Mockasin
Opossum - Opossum
No Harm Done - Prizegiving
Morningside - Fazerdaze
Q. How do you feel playing live?
Playing live is so exhilarating! I really enjoy watching the audience react to our music. Its nice to be responsible for someone elses enjoyment!
Q. How do you describe Mermaidens sounds?
I always have trouble describing our sound. The best I have come up with is, "Imagine if Warpaint was a grunge band"
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
We recorded "Perfect Body" over two weekend sessions about two months apart with our fave Wellington sound engineer James Goldsmith, at Bluebarn Studios. We play all the songs together live, and use the drum tracks from those sessions. The guitar and bass are dubbed in later. This lets us get a really live feeling sound, It maybe isn't that polished, but it feels much nicer than individually tracked parts to us.
Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
Wellington and New Zealand has a wealth of awesome guitar music just pouring out of it!
Right now im listening to Fazerdaze, Kane Strang, The Church of Goya, Greenfog, and Hans Pucket
Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
Blink 182!
Q: What are your plans for the future?
Touring Australia and Europe for this album! Come see us if you get the chance!