quinta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2016

Riffer with Melt - An Interview

O quarteto de New Jersey, Melt soltou mês passado seu debute, o noventista "Riffer".

Jogue na receita as guitar bands clássica da década mais barulhenta da música e misture tudo, o resultado é tudo aquilo que crescemos, chapamos e continuamos a ouvir com o sorriso estampado na cara.

Se formos situar atualmente, o Melt segue aquela linhagem de bandas como Nothing, Whirr e outras que pegam peso, densidade e melodias dosando os três elementos perfeitamente.

Nada de novo, nada de revolucionário, mas e daí, aumente a o volume e sai pra rua.

***** Interview with Melt *****

Q. When did Melt start? Tell us about the history...
MELT started out as a high school garage band between Joe (drummer) and myself (Dylan,) originally called Mount McKinley (you can hear one of those tracks here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2udAgj1QwEg )

We were a two-piece for a while and after a few years of playing and lineup changes, ended up this way. I met Erik (lead guitar) while playing in another band and it all just kind of came together slowly. This current version of MELT started in January 2016.

Q: Who are your influences?
The very short list would be: Christie Front Drive, HUM, Duster, Nothing, Sunny Day Real Estate, Converge, Max Martin....we could go on.

Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…
In no particular order:

1. Jazz June - The Medicine
2. Counterfit - From Finish to Starting Line
3. Brian Eno - Another Green World
4. Jimmy Eat World - Clarity
5. American Football - S/T

Q. How do you feel playing live?

Q. How do you describe Melt sounds?
When we record, we aim for a mid-fi sound. Nothing fancy. We like tracks that are densely layered but not too cluttered.

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
We rent a studio to use the microphones we can't afford. Then when we run out of time, we take the tracks and work on them at home until we give up.

Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
So many...lately we're really into Code Orange, Magnet School, Pinegrove, Teen Body, THICK, Forth Wanderers

Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
We'd love to cover Kylie Minogue - Love At First Sight

Q: What are your plans for the future?
We just want to tour, play, write and release as much as possible. And maybe have some fun.

Q: Any parting words?
Thanks for taking an interest in our band, and we look forward coming down to Brazil!
