Os hermanos do Kill West, quarteto argentino que soltou recentemente seu mais novo trabalho "Raw Desire" onde o título é mais do que auto explicativo, sim porque sonhos crus resumem bem a catástrofe sonora que é o disco.
Uma paulada no centro do crânio, onde o caos sonoro evocando instinto primitivo de Stooges, J&MC, Suicide, Ramones dá o norte para a devastação de "Raw Desire".
Detalhe para a versão vinil do álbum que já esta esgotada, e você ainda fala que não se faz música boa atualmente.
Melhor você calar a boca, aumentar o som e se curvar perante a brutalidade primitiva do Kill West.
***** Interview with Kill West *****
Martin and I (Fran) met in 2006 and started playing togheter, mostly punk rock covers, eventually we met Joel and started jamming with him too. Kill West started around January 2013 near the garage at my parent's house.
Q: Who are your influences?
There are lots but mostly punk rock, psychedelia, rythm & blues from the 1970's. Cult horror and sci-fi b-movies.
Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…
tough one, i'll put the first obvious ones that come to mind:
the stooges - raw power
neil young - on the beach
suicide's 1977 album
stone's exile
ramones - ramones
Q. How do you feel playing live?
I really like it. i try not to think much of anything and just enjoy playing with my friends.
Q. How do you describe Kill West sounds?
we're not very good at this... we'll leave it to each one's interpretation
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
For this EP we started recording it after beign with our new drummer for just 2 months or so. So it was a bit of a challenge, lucky for us he's great! i'm happy with how it came out.
We worked at our friends studio that he built in his garage, so it felt really home-like... we feel better working that way.
Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
i've been enjoying this band "Birds of Maya" from philadelphia.
Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
fleetwood mac would be cool
Q: What are your plans for the future?
just to keep it going - we are working on new music right now.
Q: Any parting words?
thanks Renato! STAY SICK