Seguindo a tradição e a máxima do TBTCI durante todos esses anos, que é apresentar a todos bandas promissoras e quase sempre, novíssimas, onde basicamente nenhum outro meio de comunicação daria este espaço, principalmente para aquelas que estão iniciando os caminhos e merecem sim toda e a devida atenção.
Caso do duo dinamarquês Momentary Gems, que possui apenas uma canção disponível a bela e melancólica "Scribbled Messages". Um doce e tortuoso passeio pelos flagelos dos sonhos e da mente.
Conexões com The Cure, fase densa e também com as melodias de Robin Guthrie.
Conexões com The Cure, fase densa e também com as melodias de Robin Guthrie.
Um sutil corte bem no meio da pele começando pelo coração, "Scribbled Messages" é lindamente dolorosa.
Atenção máxima so Momentary Gems.
***** Interview with Momentary Gems *****
We started Momentary Gems in October 2015, a few months after we started dating. We have always been very fond of music and have been involved in different projects and bands since we were teenagers.
Q: Who are your influences?
We are primarily inspired by music from the 80's such as, The Cure, Cocteau Twins, Joy Division, New Order, The Smiths and Slowdive, as well as newer bands like Beach House, Warpaint, Lower Dens and Tame Impala.
Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…
Cocteau Twins – Heaven or Las Vegas
The Cure – Seventeen Seconds
Tame Impala - Innerspeaker
Brian Jonestown Massacre – Bravery, Repetition and Noise
Beach House - Bloom
Q. How do you feel playing live?
We haven’t actually played live yet, but we really want to. We just need to finish up the rest of our songs and find some more musicians to play with us live.
Q. How do you describe Momentary Gems´ sounds?
Momentary Gems’ sound is a mix of shimmering guitars and synth, together with grooving rock beats and pumping bass, and a unique characteristic lead vocal on top. Everything is covered in a thick layer of reverb, which makes the sound big and dreamy. The harmonies in the music create a nostalgic feel.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs?
We have recorded everything ourselves inside our apartment, although we sometimes use drum samples and effects recorded elsewhere.
Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
LISS, Hiatus Kaiyote, Rhye, Shiny Darkly, Dynablaster and Cheap Shades.
Q: Which band would you love to make a cover version of?
The Cure, Cocteau Twins and The Beatles.
Q: What are your plans for the future?
We want to play our music live here in Denmark and abroad when we have a full band. Right now we need a drummer and maybe a second guitar or keyboard player. We also want to release an EP or album.
Q: Any parting words?
We feel honored to already have been asked to do an interview when we have only released one song. So thank you for your interest in our music.