Tem estado em altíssima rotação aqui no TBTCI o EP de estreia do trio estridente Hannah Racecar, diretamente de Tacoma/Seattle os caras debutaram uma chinelada nos tímpanos.
Fazendo conexões diretamente com os Cheetahs e incremente ai Superchunk, Swervedriver, ou seja guitarras em primeiro plano em pró do barulho gratuito.
Simplesmente tem que ser escutado em volume máximo.
***** Interview with Hannah Racecar *****
1. Hannah Racecar started in July of 2015 after months of planning between Adam Bredlau and Seth Bernard. Bringing in former Trasholes frontman Ian Call on drums, the trio was complete.
Q: Who are your influences?
2. Our influences include Swervedriver, A Place to Bury Strangers, Spacemen 3, Cheatahs, The Telescopes, and Dinosaur Jr.
Q. Make a list of 5 albuns of all time…
3. Top 5 albums..
"Psychocandy" - JAMC..
"Methodrone" - Brian Jonestown massacre..
"BRMC" - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club..
"Lazer-Guided Melodies" - Spiritualized..
"Horsedrawn Wishes" - Rollerskate Skinny
Q. How do you feel playing live?
4. Live, we all get this feeling of excitement and danger, in a sense of "what happens next". We will write a setlist, but tend to disregard it if we see fit.
Q. How do you describe Hannah Racecar sounds?
5. We would describe our sound as sonically charming. There are points where it gets loud and improvised but we bring it back with melodies to hook you in.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
6. Recording our songs, we started with a later of guitar and drums, adding overruns of bass and multiple layers of more guitar, synth, and vocals.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
7. We highly recommend checking newer bands Beach Slang, The Lee's of Memory, Fauna Shade, Wow,Laura, Seasons of Strangers, Cheap Sweat
Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
9. We have worked on a cover of "The Other side of You" - The Mighty Lemondrops, and also have plans on covering My Bloody Valentine and Echo and The Bunnymen.
Q: What are your plans for the future?
10. Out current plans include working on a 2nd EP, playing more gigs, and solidifying our live sound.
Q: Any parting words?
11. We thank you very much for this interview and hope that people will be able to see us soon and check out our EP! Thanks!