segunda-feira, 17 de novembro de 2014

Ecstasy Symphony with Pree Tone - An Interview

Pree Tone é um trio doentio de Kiev, Ucrânica, que neste 2014 soltou dois epzinhos independentes Brights e Wild Highs, e que ambos possuem entre si uma união, a predileção por ruídos e repetições de andamentos pesados e caóticos, tendo como força motriz os ensinamentos de Peter Kember e J. Spaceman e altas doses de kraut.

Música para alterar os sentidos e provocar insanidade interna, desespero e alucinações psicóticas são os ingredientes que serão encontrados e consumidos utilizando a terapia Pree Tone.

E vem mais doses dessa medicação, melhor pegar seu receituário e já se preparar.

***** Interview with Pree Tone *****

Q. When did Pree Tone starts, tell us about the history...
Pree Tone is: Sergio - bass, Kolya - Drums, Vlad - guitar. We started in the end of winter 2014. We decided to earn money for cocaine and finally loose virginity. The only way to do these things was to create a band.

Q: Who are your influences?
Sergio: Tim Taylor, Bradford Cox and the greatest pedal ever made - Whammy 4.

Kolya: Some old stuff, I mean instruments and music.

Vlad: My main infulence is guitar effects, such as Tremolo, Phasers, Flangers, Boss HM-2 (total worship) and the bands who use it properly. I guess Spacemen 3 was the main influence from the beginning but then we started to do things in our way.

Q. Made a list of 5 albuns of all time…
We are unable to do that, maybe you can recommend us 5 best albums on your opinion?!

Q. How do you fell playing live?
Kolya: When playing in basement - feel like basement, when in the forest- like forest etc.

Sergio: Well, this is nice question. Live shows for me, maybe, is the best way for contacting with people. In my life I prefer better to make presents, than get presents. Thats why I think I lost all my energy and emotions on scene, playing live. I like life a lot, and I think this world is so excited, unpredictabale, peacefull and all this wraped in a big blue beauty. I want to share all this with people while playing live. I don't like to talk at the shows, cause I think listeners come to listen music, but not to hear my thoughts. Thats why I try to give a part of my energy, happiness, sometimes sadness. I want them to feel alive and feel in love with life. After every live show I feel a bit empty.

Vlad: I feel like i'm a guitar hero in the entry level of outsiders league, where all you need is to turn on and off the stompboxes in the right time and sometimes to grab the strings.

Q. How do you describe Pree Tone sounds?
Noisy and loud. Pretty good for altered states of mind.

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
Kolya: We record it from marshall and matamp/orange sounding amp, sunn concert bass, ludwig/rogers/soviet drums and a couple of vintage soviet microphones.

Vlad: Well, we go to our rehearsal place, then we tune our guitars, turn on the stompboxes, plug it right into the fucking amps, then Kolya push the "record" button. It took about a few hours to record our EP's and about a few weeks to mix and master it.

Sergio: I can add to Vlad's story only one thing - after recording the instruments I sit like a fucking goblin on little chair with old chinese headphones in my ears and try to sing, combiing it with looper, delays and pitch tricks with vocal.

Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
Sergio: I don't listen to music.

Vlad: Bichkraft, 3AM, Camera, The Holydrug Couple. Almost every band released by Sacred Bones is good. Sadly I don't pay much attention to the new bands, cause it's impossible to listen all the new stuff when you always discover great old bands.

Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?
Still can't find the good reason why cover-songs exist. Oh, maybe to flirt with a schoolgirl and play for her Avrile Lavigne songs on acoustic guitar.

Q: What´s the plans for future...
Sergio: go to clean my teeth after finishing the interview, cause I forget to did it before it

Vlad: Soon we'll record new EP and play few gigs in Ukraine. Hope to book a tour on Europe next year and make more records.

Q: Any parting words?
Forget all you've read last 2 minutes. Peace be with you and your family and friends.
Thanks guys