quarta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2014

Filthy Psychedelia with Terminal Cheesecake - An Interview

Das cinzas do Purple Things, MARRS surgiu em 1988 uma das maiores insanidades musicais formada durante um show do Pussy Galore no mesmo ano, o Terminal Cheesecake é verdadeiro patrimônio da esquizofrenia noise. Um mix de noise, psicodelia bruta, hardcore, free jazz, punk e tudo mais que você pode considerar musical esta dentro desde insano caldeirão de referencias que talvez pela primeira vez aterriza em algum veículo (sic) de música neste pais, sem falsa modéstia, mérito pro TBTCI.

Desde o primeiro EP Bladdersack de 1988 até o derradeiro King of All Spaceheads, passando pelos dementes e infernais, Johnny Town-Mouse, VLC, Angels in Pitgails, a receita é desconstrução em alto e bom som, quer dizer bom som não, um sonoridade que conforme meu amigo Ricardo Bola me confidenciou, o TC ao vivo era uma das mais barulhentas atrocidades musicais que ele já viu, e note o currículo dele é de se fazer inveja.

Mas, até que o mundo esta nos ofertando uma chance, o TC esta novamente nos palcos, aterrorizando os tímpanos de quem estiver presente. Haverá em breve um festival psych na Holanda, onde teremos TC em conjunto com as grandes e insanas bandas psych da atualidade leia-se,  Gnod, Radar Men from the moon, Sonic Jesus, Wall of Death, Cosmic Dead e por aí vai....

Precisa dizer mais alguma coisa, precisa, preste atenção na última resposta e quem puder e tiver culhão que nos brinde com TC por essas terras, os tímpanos agradeceriam....

***** Interview with Terminal Cheesecake *****

Q. When Terminal Cheesecake started, tell us a story?
TC formed in 88 at a Pussy Galore gig .. Russ and Mick from a band called "Lager Damage " ( like Godflesh but much louder and more insane) and John and Jary from the psych band - The Purple Things . We started recording demos and rehearsing and within 6 months we played our first gig at The Sir George Robey venue in London... It was totally mad, full of people ( mainly friends )

Q. What are your influences?
Loads of influences ; Garage punk, punk, psych, Jazz, Soul, Classical, etc etc etcetc.. 3 of us worked in record shops so we listen to a lot of varied stuff..

Q. What represented the pos punk scene for you?
We never considered ourselves part of any scene and pos punk never really existed in London as a scene as such so I guess thats a tricky question to answer. We mainly played shows with hardcore and noise bands so were connected with that type of scene..

Q. How were the shows at that time?
Shows were Ok, I suppose, very difficult to get booked.. Too much stuff was indie and a bit lightweight.. We tended to frighten promoters and we struggled to get shows except in London . In London we always seemed to pull a good crowd ! We played shows with Prong, extreme Noise Terror, Godflesh many many times but mainly headlined our own ..

Q. What is your favorite Terminal Cheesecake´s musics / album's ?
I still actually like them all but my favourite tracks, personally are : VCL, lazy Hard on and Johnny Townmouse, and Bladdersack etc etc ... Best Lp is the new one which will be released next year !

Q. Terminal Cheesecale in active again, what is the motive for the back?
The motive for reforming was to finish unfinished business.. TC is too enjoyable not to do, it is our responsibility to carry on in the name of filthy psychedelia !

Q. What are your plans for the future?
We have formed the ultimate line up of Tc in the sense that we seem very motivated for playing live and recording new stuff .. We also enjoy each other's company and seem to inspire one another.. also we enjoy spending time getting smashed in each other's company .. Just have to carry on and go head on .. flat out to make up for lost time !

Q. Some final words?
Look out for the new Lp and also we have some friends in Brazil so maybe we will make it over one day soon, who knows ? IWe'd love to play Rio, .. yes, that would be the absolute business !
Thanks TC
